onceuponatime inaland farfar awaaay. therelivedacreature amutanthybridundeadcreature thatlookedalmosthuman. andthatcreature wasthegoddamn king ofthe magicbookswerewrittenhere kingdom. And the magicbookswerewrittenhere kingdom hada capitalcity. the capitalcity wasreferredtocolloquillybythenameof heartoflifeintheentireunifuckingverse. Inthemiddleofthecity referredtocolloquillybythenameof heartoflifeintheentireunifuckingverse, wasatalltowerofvirtueandpassion, a templededicatedtothegrowthofgreenplants, atoweringgardenthatcouldbeseenformilesaround, andonthetopmostlevelofthetowerknownas, thestatesponsoredverysecuregardensofvenemousgrowingthings, wasaspore. Thesporewassosmallthat afuckingmicroscopewouldbe neededjusttofindoutanentire forestofeighteenhundredbillion ultratranslucentcrystellinealmostaqueousverygummythings. Yeahtruustory. asgoodasitgets.
K gr8. so u ahs drea mov sum kInd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ smu illsuhun rite, sumn kindf ov theory oN how teehWurld werkz~~~~~~~ u ned 2, otehrwize u wud be calld f&^%Ing insne SOMEtHIN DATR KEEPS U BRE4THINM AN DRIv3Z UR THOGUHTS!!!!!11~~~~~~ f&^% dat shit, doexz not martr!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ wut mzattars Iz hwo c0nt0rl it~~ or 7et 1t go out o\/ cont0rl!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ ro whatervr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ DOEZ NOT MATR OLOLOOLLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!! f&^% dat shit aS wEll k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ OLOLLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!111 wil ltre4d crfulkyl,, ummm. m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ mlets put it ids wai thar iz diz tank r1te, well camopuflagd, an re3Ady 2 fierE!!!!!!111~~~~~ olol teh tank doez nit haz d0se dolw an heavy chainz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 THAR R 8 HEAVY TIREZ, WIF WELL dEFIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ OLOOLOLLOLLO!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Well defind... .. grioovez or sometjhin ytehy cut thRu teh tirez an ahlp iv grip pon teh suirf4ce lolololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ oololollo reh peice 0v shit movbd fasst LOOLLOLOLLOOOLOL~~~~ you r lame irt cxud zip thru teh highjway Asfast blurr, an peedpz wud osrt ov pee in tehir pantz, latR, an in hteir sleep... anyway, it wuz F&^%Ing tank, an it zahd wamn ov dosE huge ass guns, 4n orrtatin tufrret kindo v shit, dst cud go rOund anrOund,,, HACK YOUUUUUIU BECUZ I WILL HAX0RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ lololololololo.... IF U WUZ AN ADV3NRTUREOUZ SORT OV FELLOW, U DU LEIK AHNG URSLF FRUM TEHJ GUNU SIUN BELT, GIT BUD 2 SORT OV SPIN TEH TURRET AROUND, AN DENJ HEAR TEH SLoW WHISTLNI OV T3H AIR MOVIN DOWN TEH INNR p4RT OV TEH CHAMBR.. fun teims ya?????????????? a~~~~~~ . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ // nywhoopo total badas shti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 vut uu jous cnotero lit u knoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 LOLOLOLO!!!!!!1~~~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL~ U KEEP SORYT O\/ D0I|\| It ALL TEH TIEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ ololoololoolololo tryyin 2 deCide wer teh univars 1z headd/// lotz da epepsd r even f&^%ing carrain dAt th3y can do ot OLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ jus imAgine s0m,ethin ajn it happens they say even if such ting 1z expar3iuncd brfeifly, 4 few seondz even, d4t unfrotun8 Hooman beanm \\\\////\\\\////ill jus drift away into unreality uz teh shit cant be controlld~~~~~~~ MAYB3 IT CAN MAYBE NOt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! donno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ LOLLOO... doez not/\/\attr anyway// dati z so totally not teh poInt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ treh point... ya, dat izs Omethin d4t evrythin abso-f&^%ing-lutely must ajs!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ loloololololol if som3thind oez not ahs point, den it poinTles. IM/\/\A NOT GOIN 2 EXPLAIN MYESLF, AN JUS 4 KIX0RZ, DF&^% U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~