Saturday, January 28, 2023

The vanar and the tiger

In ancient times, when the earth was still young and the skies were clear, a vanar, a monkey-like being, with fur as golden as the sun and eyes as bright as stars, found himself in a dense jungle where a fierce tiger, with fur as black as the night and eyes as fierce as fire, roamed. The vanar knew that the tiger was known for its strength and ferocity, and that he would have to use his wit to outsmart the beast.

The vanar surveyed the jungle, taking in the sights and sounds of the dense foliage and the whispering of the wind. He noticed the tall trees that reached up to the sky and the colorful birds that sang their melodies. He also noticed the footprints of the tiger, deep and wide, that marred the earth. The vanar knew that he had to be careful and that he would have to use his intelligence to survive.

The vanar came up with a plan, and with great determination, he gathered a large pile of sticks from the surrounding area. He set them on fire, and the flames rose high into the night sky, illuminating the jungle with a warm glow. The tiger, curious about the strange light in the jungle, came to investigate. As the tiger approached the burning sticks, the vanar cleverly used the light to blind the tiger and escape to safety.

The vanar's intelligence and resourcefulness had saved him from the tiger's grasp. The tiger, confused and disoriented, stumbled around in the darkness, while the vanar safely made his way out of the jungle.

The moral of this story is that intelligence can triumph over brute strength and that even the smallest and seemingly weakest can outsmart the mightiest of foes through clever thinking. The vanar's quick thinking and bravery serve as a reminder to us all that with determination and resourcefulness, we too can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

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