Tuesday, May 31, 2005

about today

Got up a bit late again, because I slept late obviously. damn, my mother was just telling me about ants getting on her while she was gardening, and then them going all over the living room. I was simultaneously talking to Sridhar, on the phone, and I was so distracted that I could not talk at all...
dumb shit.
Anyway, so i get up late, head over to college, the plan was to be at the station by ten, I wasn't tehre till ten thirty, got the ten thirty three fast, and got down at ghatkoper to meet nikhil on the overbridge. We got down, climbed into a slow that came soon enough, and on the line met Som. HE was this fellow who wanted to collect BMM forms as well, and a potential classmate. All three of us headed over to SIES, met Sridhar there, got our forms for a hundred bucks each. Then i stood in line to get a copy of dakshinayanam. some girl was saying that her marksheet was lost, and the pune asked her where. Both Sridhar and I burst out laughing...
Then we came out, Nikhil and Som had gone their own ways, Sridhar and I headed over to a friends house, where we played badminton and a crappy version of bridge.
Had food there, came back home at around six, with my mother, drew money from the bank, went back to get somethig to eat, headed over to eden woods to play badminton, none of my friends were there, fooled the watchman again, and played with some old girl instead, who played more or less like me. Both of us had fun, she works for a software company, and I don't know her name...
Later Asmita, Ashwin, Lubaina and I sat around asking riddles to each other. These were the funny ones...

1) there is a man walking in a jungle in South Africa, and he gets caught in a trap. The rope hangs him upside down from a tree, and there is a candle at the point where the rope is tied to the tree. The candle will burn through the rope, and hte man will fall down. the problem is, there is a lion there now, and he wants to save himself...
there is no wind, and the candle is too far away for him to blow out.

My first answer was that the man could pee on the candle. His bladder, apparently did not have the capacity.
My next answer was to pee on the lion, which would run away.
Which would infuriate the lion... an make it even more irritable when he finally came down...
But the infuriated lion would roar, blowing out the candle.
The objection to this was "how can he pee upside down"
Instead of explaining this to them, I thought along otehr lines. They told me I would get this with "logic".
So my next answer was that if the rope is strong enough to hold up the man, then the candle will take a while to burn it through, but by that time teh candle will burn lower and the rope will never be burnt through.
They told me not to challenge the quetion and answer.
Using logic.
I thought for a little while longer and gave up.
their "logical" answer turned out to be, the man shouls sing "happy birthday to you" and as a reflex action, the lion will blow out the candle.
But the problem with the answer is (as pointed out by the guy who asked it in the first place) that they usually sing happy birthday to you AFTER the candle is blow out.

The second question was, there are two ants in a swimming pool, and four elephants get in.
The ants can see only fourteen legs. How?
Without going through the painfull process of all my answers, I will tell you the requirements of the whole system
1) The ants are provided with all round vision
2) The ants cannot see each other's legs
3) The swimming pool is large enough to accomodate all the elephants
4) The ants are not disturbed by the elephant's entry

the answer is >>>> One elephant was doing a backstroke

my objections to the answer were
1) If the ants had all round vision, they could see all the legs
2) an elephant cannot do a backstroke
3) If it couls, all legs would be visible

Pretty dumb of Ashwin actually...

A bit.
Then came home, upgraded the side bar and am now blogging. The cool thing is that i am logged in to yahoo! messenger in one id and into geocities with another. cool eh?

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