Wednesday, June 15, 2005

didn't forget to blog today

made it all the way to KC and back on something like twenty bucks. thats just too damn cool by my standards. The cola stand was closed in VT, the first time I have seen it that way. i went in the morning and hitched a ride with my dad on his bike. i met him again by mistake on the train, and we went to Dadar together. I sat and he read the newspaper standing up, so we didn't talk. It was as if we were not in the train together at all, which was pretty wierd. I watched people playing rummy, which diverted my attention from the Bombay slumdwellers shamelssly excreting on the sides as the train rushed past. After my father got down, I hung out of the train. It was a calm chilly... sort of poetic morning, but i was dreading to see anyone excreting. Fortunately this did not occor, and I had wet day dreams about the mobile camera I am soon about to get. The KC entrance went pretty well, especially because they asked a bit of science centered questions, like the Ph of distilled water, and the number of hours within which the eyes of a ded person must be removed for effective transplant, and the largest organ in the body et cetera.
Aced it pretty much, but will have to see how it will go. The comprehension was pretty simple - once you read it twice. But the essyas were too damn tough...
I had to pick two out of these:
1) a lot of people are accessing the net for information about products and services. Right a note on the responsibility of adveritising with respect to providing information.
2) The ASCI has banned a pepsi commercial which shows a young boy serving pepsi to the Indian cricket team, claiming that the ad promotes child labour. Write an appeal to the ASCI as a representative of Pepsi.
3) A recent advertisement for a popular motorbike has the slogan "definately male" write your views on the ethics of such advertisements treating males as sex objects.

I actually was asked to write an essay on the treatment of males as sex objects! damn. I wrote the first and the third as the second was the most difficult. Most people would have done that.
I am more or less confident that I will get through in KC. Was as good as Jai Hind actually, mebbe even slightly better...

this is cryptic, and is an open challenge for anyone to decode.

nwr rgua fuek xlkkws nesykl, qgi nlsw nt gwler elxw. bir gloowbws ub l kibf runw. u rgubj u glcw l xeag ib gwr.

U is the beggest clue.
Damn that. nwr gwe l dwq slta lfi syeubf jx dien ayvnuaauib.
then came home. Ashwin and Aashray were supposed to come over, but they never showed up. dumb assholes. My mobile is still exchanged with that of Aashray. Went and played badminton in Eden woods. Funnt thing happened, the cock was lost in the rafters, and we were all screaming out funny things like "get the cock out!" and "hit the cock with the broom" and "you almost got the cock" and "make the watchman get the cock" and "that cock cost seventy odd bucks" and "I will try to get the cock" and "can you even see the cock?" and so on. Get the idea right?

But the cock was firmly stuck in the hellhole where it was lost, and refused to come out despite the desperatle please of some teens and even a few twens and a watchman.
I climbed up the ladder that is kept in a corner in eden woods club house. Was scary, my legs were kaping like hell man.
then came home via Lok Puram, and had cold drinks with Aashray at regal plaza. Told him about all the fun stuff we did at Vijaya classes.
Including putting the snake in the fountain. I still have to make a list of top ten things I've done that you probably haven't. Will do that now. the BMM site is on hold till I get more material. One more month, and it will be on.

Plans for tommorrow
1) go to sid's place at seven thirty and show off my badminton skills to a new group of people who have the potential to be friends
2) come back home, sleep, swim or something. Watch TV mebbe.
3) Head over to college, and have a look at the BSc and BMM lists to see if I have made it.
I hope I have
5) hope that I have
6) come back home, and see if there is time to head over to Eden Woods. Mostly there won't be.
7) blog about the day and write plans for day after tommorrow

The Matheran trip that is never to be was postponed to sunday to accomodate me, and preponed to tommorrow to accomodate the inflating prices in anticipation of the monsoon. Probably.
This is probably going to be a bad rain year.
In which case many farmers will snuff it.
I hope they dont.

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