Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dream Diary Muh Me Dhoka Edition

Took a nap with the specific intention of having a dream and was richly rewarded. 

First there was this nasty little dog that just bit me and bit me again and wouldn't let me go and while it did not hurt, it kept its vicious little fangs embedded in my hand, till its owner had to pry it away by applying toothpaste to all of its teeth that made it release its hold. The dog then transformed into a human, and started following me. 

Then I was in a harden, which was a tomb complex and one of those big gardens in Bengaluru. Everyone seemed to be friendly and easily talking to each other. There was this one person who asked a landscaper, how about we put a really big Indian mythological statue, and make it look like an action figure, and can you make a temporary one like that, which you can add and remove as and when you want. The landscaper was this artistic little woman who said no, we can give you four rollable vinyls that can cover five or even eleven storeys of these buildings around (had to be Bangalore), at the cost of just making a statue, and it will cost more to store it when it is down. 

I wanted to say, don't ignore the demand of a customer, and that a Indian mythological statue in the style of an action figure would be really cool. 

One from a group of coffee drinking entrepreneurs turned towards me, nodded, agreed with me, then asked his other friends about the same things. While some agreed with him, most did not. They then started discussing Shark Tank India pitches, with one of them saying that the entrepreneurial scene in India is really changing, and some one will find a way to make these big installations cheaper. 

I then went and sat on a toy train, on the outside, and was handed a survey to fill up, which I did. The dog who had turned into a human was next to me, so I gave him the survey, which he filled out. It was a competition benchmarking survey for bringing features to a new app, only, I could not figure what app it was, just had a long list of features and if people liked this feature in this app. I do not remember the questions. Doggoboy finished his responses, I had extra pens, so I gave the survey taker extra pens, the finished doggoboy response, and sat down to finish my survey. People were looking at me strange when I was sitting on the engine of the toy train, with two trains in parallel. 

My toy train began to move. It seemed like a permanent fixture. It quickly went really high, dropped down, through a 360 loop, parallel to a sandbox in the sky full of kids who stared but did not wave (I did not wave too), a turn to the right, then what looked like the background staging area to an amusement park, just scattered props, plastic sheeting on walls, barebones lighting, and the train was still going. I was holding on to plastic, netting, whatever I could this time, and with my dangling legs, I picked up a foam goat statue with a balloon in its mouth. Maybe it was a lamb, I dk. Back to the park, past a grand old woman who found it appropriate to come to the garden and instruct kids how to play correctly, past a playground, up through some well maintained gardens, and turning a right back to the starting point. I pick up my goat, and jump through the second train, where everyone laughs at me and asks if I enjoyed it. I say yes, then hop through, to go back to the first toy train, which has now stopped. 

Inside are a bunch of people, who talk to me as if they know me, even though I do not recognise them. I ask them if they were in the train behind me when I was sitting on the engine. They say yes. I respond with a sarcastic "oh great", which makes everyone burst out with laughter. One of them, a couple right next to me are laughing particularly hard, and the guy says "I used to be sarcastic like that" and the girl says "Oh yeah, we used to printout our text messages and use it like a fax machine, and in that form, the text sounds really sarcastic, like what even is 'muh meh dhoka'" The hindi phrasing causes some of the non-Hindi speakers to blank out. 

I was contemplating suggesting "Betrayal in your Face" as a plausible explanation, when I wake up.

Of all the dreams that I have lost, I am so happy I wrote this one down. 


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