Friday, September 30, 2022

DD Just Cause edition


I played this game where it started on a kind of a tank that I had to jump on as the game made you familiar with the controls from the tank I had to jump on to another armoured vehicle with a hole on the top to control at turret to get rid of a baddie. 

After that the game started basically it in world shooting people and I had to work my way towards the hospital. Inside the hospital some kind of disease broke out which caused really small spherical creeping animals to break out everywhere and there was some dangerous material stolen from the lab or medical supplies I do not know where. 

It was the contamination by these dangerous stolen goods that caused the outbreak of whatever disease it was that affects everyone inside the lab or the hospital. There was this old man who had an operation and they removed a bullet from his spine which was really really old and the old man didn’t remember how it got there or was hiding it I have no clue what is this had to do with the rest of the infection.

There was a bunch of people waiting to get treated and they were being prioritise depending on how sick they were but basically what happens is one of them wants to go to the toilet and the toilet is too crowded and maybe it is because of the infection or whatever but they get irritated or all of them break out of the lab. So we ran through the complex of the hospital and this is when we see those small spherical animal animals and destruction on the equipment.

The mob of people break out from the hospital and then it is some kind of looped roadway on a square building with the path rising and falling. After a while circuit you get out of the loop close to where you started but at another level. People are still running like crazy. 

Then I get on another armoured vehicle, have to shoot the boss in front of me, who is also moving. I fail the game here, but on another run, essentially have to jump on a vehicle in front of me, and drive it, using controls inside the vehicle to finish the boss. 

Then I woke up and realised it was Saint’s Row lol. 

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