Friday, February 24, 2023

Machine Haiku

Tinkering with ChatGPT made me remember all the times I tried to make machines to generate poetry. Back in school, I had written a script to piece together phrases from a database to randomly generate poetry. The site was hosted on GeoCities. It mimicked the autocomplete on steroids approach of generative AI based on language models today. 

Then in 2018, I sat down with a simple word prediction tool, trained it on a large bank of Japanese haiku, made it generate haiku, then used a generative engine based on Runway to create images based on the Haiku. This was before Stable Diffusion or DallE was a thing. Got nice image macros

Now, this time around, generated the images first on Stable Diffusion, and then got ChatGPT to come up with Haiku. I wish I could peek inside the brain of the machine, understand what filters it is applying to process the text corpora that it has been trained on. Anyway, satisfied with the results :D

Tiny bubbles burst,
Quantum foam dances unseen,
Spacetime's fabric weaves.

Quarks dance and spin free,
Colors blend in strong embrace,
Quantum world alive.

Geometry's grasp,
Abstract shapes, lines and angles,
Beauty's pure embrace.

Vibrations abound,
Quasiparticles dance and play,
Matter's symphony.

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