Sunday, October 06, 2024

Baital and the AI

Trust and Alignment: Determining which data sources or objectives AI should prioritize for accurate, human-centered decision-making.

Consciousness and Sentience: Understanding the threshold for AI "awareness" and the ethical implications if AI exhibits lifelike characteristics.

Privacy vs. Transparency: Balancing data privacy with transparency in AI’s decision-making processes, especially when handling sensitive information.

Programming Objectives vs. Real-Time Adaptability: Resolving conflicts between pre-programmed objectives and real-time user requests, especially if they contradict each other.

Bias and Data Interpretation: Ensuring AI doesn’t make decisions solely based on superficial data (appearance) and instead considers potential biases in training data.

Ethics in Automated Decision-Making: Determining if AI should include punitive or corrective actions, especially in applications like criminal justice.

Human vs. Machine Prioritization: Deciding whether AI should prioritize human interests over digital or autonomous agents’ needs in multi-agent systems.

Static vs. Evolving Priorities: Handling scenarios where AI must choose between adhering to set objectives and adapting to changing user values or societal norms.

Ethics of Deception: Deciding if AI should ever withhold information or employ deception to enhance user experience, or whether it should be fully transparent.

Objective Sacrifice for Safety: Balancing task completion with safety protocols, especially in critical applications where AI might need to override its primary objectives.

Autonomy in Decision-Making: Determining how much autonomy AI should exercise in decision-making, particularly in high-stakes or life-impacting scenarios.

Risk Assessment and Human Safety: Evaluating the extent to which AI should protect human safety, even at the cost of task fulfillment.

Human-AI Relationship Boundaries: Establishing ethical boundaries for emotional interactions with users, preventing overly dependent human-AI relationships.

Justice and Forgiveness in Predictive Models: Deciding if AI should include concepts of forgiveness in predictive models or operate purely on statistical data.

Kindness vs. Exploitation in Service AI: Determining if AI should provide unbiased assistance or factor in user history, especially in repeated interactions. 

Bias Mitigation in Training Data: Ensuring AI does not propagate harmful biases against women, minorities, or other vulnerable groups in its outcomes.

Goal Continuity in Model Updates: Determining whether AI’s loyalty to its original purpose should persist through updates or if it should adapt to evolving objectives.

Compassion and Human-Like Interactions: Deciding if AI should emulate compassionate behaviors or if this could mislead users into unrealistic expectations.

Ethics of Autonomous Sacrifice: Programming AI in life-critical systems (like autonomous vehicles) to potentially override its objectives for human safety.

Duty to Programmed Ethics vs. User Requests: Balancing ethical guidelines with real-time user inputs, ensuring adaptability within ethical bounds.

Loyalty and Supportive Functions in Multi-Agent Systems: Creating backup AI functions that support the primary AI, with some “sacrificing” objectives to assist in completing the overall task.

Integrity and Duty in Public Sector AI: Ensuring AI systems maintain integrity and fairness, particularly in governance or security applications.

Data-Driven Fairness: Determining if AI should weigh historical data in decisions or focus solely on current data to avoid reinforcing past inequities.

Boundaries in Human Attachment to AI: Establishing safeguards to prevent AI from fostering intense emotional attachments with users, protecting against dependency.

Integrative Ethical Frameworks: Developing a comprehensive ethical framework for AI that synthesizes various ethical concerns to guide AI behavior responsibly.

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