Monday, June 12, 2006

Loads of stuff

1) Crows: The Glucon D biscuit is something that humans manufature, and something that they have started doing pretty recently. There is this story of a crow using stones to break a pot of water, or even using a straw... might seem far fetched, but crows can use tools - was a shock to me. So this crow gets a glucon d biscuit and needs to eat it. It can drop it from a height and then eat the pieces, but that would scatter it all over the place, so instead it seeks out a pool of water, makes the biscuit soggy and eats it. Was pretty nice to watch. Crows are clever. If dinos were bird like and warm blooded and had millions of years to evolve, the worst of David Ike's theories about intelligent reptiles having a civilisation predating humanity may well be plausible. Stupid freudian leap of logic. You never heard it from me.

2) Da Vinci Code: Nice casting, almost perfect movie, and one of the few where deviations from the book have actually come of better. Although I still feel they should have used two cryptexes... donno what the controversy is about... as usual, those against it have no clue what it says, it actually supports keeping the whole bloodline secret for the sake of the christians, and for those who believe, it also says that Jesus can have offspring and still be divine, and that Jesus was a great guy anyway... so there shouldn't be any problems. The best thing was that there wasn't any romantic interest between Langdon and Sophie - something pretty unrealistic in the book, and Toutou looked entirely different from the Godzilla chick she was. Ian McKellan was really great, and I loved his comeback to the media at the Cannes press conference, The reports on NDTV are ending with his line: "I think it is a great thing that Jesus was married... it proves that he was not gay."

3) Fanaa: Haven't really SEEN the movie, but what the heck, Kajol gets pregnant after falling for a guide, Aamir, who apparently dies but is a terrorist gone underground - after paying for Kajol's get-back-your-eyesight surgery - and who resurfaces after an interval of seven years, and gets killed by Kajol when she discovers who he is. That is stretched across many horrible songs and terribly slow sequences.

4) Far fetched conspiracy theory I just heard about: AIDS was apparently the miracle cure for homosexuality - it just went horribly wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like makin sum movies has helped you to analyse others better