Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Most brutal escort missions

 Ashley in Resident Evil 4: Escorting Ashley, the president's daughter, can be a frustrating experience due to her tendency to get caught or kidnapped by enemies.

Natalya in GoldenEye 007: Escorting Natalya, a computer programmer, in the Facility level is a notoriously difficult mission due to the constant enemy fire.

Elika in Prince of Persia (2008): Elika follows the player character throughout the game, but her involvement in platforming sections can be frustrating and restrictive.

Otacon in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Escorting Otacon, a tech expert, can be difficult due to his vulnerability to enemy attacks.

Trico in The Last Guardian: The player must guide Trico, a giant bird-dog creature, through various obstacles and enemies, which can be a frustrating experience due to Trico's disobedience and slow movement.

Yorda in Ico: Escorting Yorda, a mysterious girl, through the castle and defending her from shadow creatures can be tedious due to her vulnerability and slow movement.

Ellie in The Last of Us: While Ellie is a capable companion, escorting her through dangerous areas can be frustrating due to her tendency to get detected by enemies.

The Precursors in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy: Escorting the Precursors, a group of ancient beings, through the game can be tedious due to their slow movement and vulnerability to enemy attacks.

The Little Sisters in Bioshock: The player must protect the Little Sisters, genetically engineered girls, while they extract ADAM from corpses, which can be a repetitive and monotonous task.

Sarah in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin: Escorting Sarah, a psychic character, can be frustrating due to her vulnerability and the constant enemy attacks.

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