Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Just saw 65. 

Okay first of all meteors are the space rocks that burn up in the atmosphere of the Earth... asteroids are the space rocks in space. Asteroids struck the ship, not meteors. Jeez. 

Really like the geometric alphabet. They are like digital versions of runes. 

Great so the velociraptors were more size accurate. Not as tiny as chicken, but still better. 

Still there are a few things that you need on dinos now. 

1. Feathers for theropods

2. Coloration similar to birds

3. More skin and muscle on the bodies

Nice to see some four legged predators bucking the trend of centaurism in carnivorous dinosaurs. 

Still movie hit me right in the feels, despite being campy and cheesy. Cried, laughed and clapped, so all good. 

Such a great story lol, shows loss and restoration in a family, of two families actually. Would have been nice if the movie had a bit of a focus on Koa as well. 

Time to decipher the alphabet now. 

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