Thursday, June 01, 2023

DND Into the Netherdeep Vol. 24

We pick up two owlbear statues and rubies from a treasure chest, then go on to explore the cavern system. Everyone gets rooted to the spot. In the vision, every step anyone takes leaves behind ruidium corruption, and everyone has a red glow. The people fight a bunch of evil warriors attacking commoners in a village, in a vision. 

Jazco and Woolf go into a crevasse that opens up that has a mote of crackling red light floating over a pedestal. They hear some message from Alyxian, asking them to give up hope. On the pedestal is a stuffed Moorbounder. They see a Rara hears a faint whisper, 'Maeska, my old friend'.

Rara reaches out to touch the sphere. Yazhi is not fast enough to cast resilient sphere. The moat gets aborbed by the ruidium hand. Bright red light shoots from Rara's eyes, and Rara is transported to the child's room, cleaner, fresher and without toys. The murdered woman is giving birth to Alyxian. Her husband is holding her hand. A midwife is helping her give birth, and the child comes out. It is silent make no noise, but its eyes open up and looks everywhere. 

The midwife immediately hands over the baby to the mother in disgust. "Even he knows, he is preparing for the dread omens that will haunt him for the rest of his and your lives". Rara has absorbed a fragment of despondence. Rara cannot help people anymore but is immune to being charmed. 

My consciousness starts to meld with Alyxian, I get very brief visions of seeking shelter as I am travelling, and reach late in the evening to an abode of three women. There are visions of laughter, and being welcomed for food and a bed to sleep in. The vision changes, you are standing outside the same home, with three gravestones, made of jagged red crystals. In my mind Alyxian says, "They welcomed me into their homes. Why can't I remember their names or their faces. Please help me remember."

Jazco and Woolf see a vision where Alyxian's parents are trying to seek help from a priest of Pellor, but the priest tells them there is no cure for the mark of the red moon and that they will find no help there. 

We dig three graves and head inside. The furniture is strewn around the ground floor of the houses. There are corpses everywhere, including the three women, and five very rough looking, malformed humanoids, dressed in rags. There are also two men clad in bloodstone chainmail. 

Woolf remember reading about the creatures. These are Grimlocks. Rangu clears the space, finds a cushion, and casts speak with the dead. There is a faint breeze, but nothing happens. We look around the house and find out the names of the three sisters, Meri, Marisa and Celeste. Once we learn all the three names, the bodies get swallowed up by the floor, and three ghosts emerge. We start fighting them. 

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