Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Dream Diary dreamwalker edition

IDK what is happening here, spate of intense, powerful dreams. Eating a lot of fruits and drinking a lot of fruit juices, that is what is different. Also on a tox break. 

So this one was a bit weird. I was on street level, and saw the real world around me in the dream. I sort of floated - drifted through the city and I saw the whole environment like a library of dreams, with volumetric colour visions visible through the transparent walls of apartments. Most of the windows were dark in meatspace but lit in dreamspace, while some windows had their lights on in meatspace but were totally dark in dreamspace. The living rooms and kitchens were dark too, only the bedrooms were lit up. Some colours were hazy and diffuse, a few colours were more clear and bright. I floated upwards through my own apartment, and was tempted to enter other people's dreamspace, but I felt walls like the wills of people, and sensed that it would be impolite or cruel to intrude, and was also scared of what would happen as it was something that I do not know. I rose up to my own home, and woke up, with the dreamspace and meatspace blending together. 

Not exact, but close enough

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