Saturday, June 29, 2024

Delhi Metro

Rajesh, an office worker with a penchant for daydreaming, boarded the Blue Line at Rajiv Chowk. As usual, the train was packed, and he found himself standing near the sliding doors, clutching the overhead rail. He was minding his own business when the train's AI system, SAM (Smart Automated Metro), chimed in with its usual, soothing voice.

"Welcome to the Delhi Metro. Next station, Karol Bagh."

But this time, instead of stopping at Karol Bagh, the train whizzed past the station. Passengers exchanged confused glances, and Rajesh raised an eyebrow. The AI voice returned, this time sounding oddly amused.

"Oops, missed that one! Don't worry, we'll circle back."

The passengers laughed nervously, assuming it was a harmless glitch. But as the train approached the next station, Patel Nagar, the doors slid open to reveal... an interdimensional rift. The usual bustling platform had been replaced by a swirling vortex of colors and shapes.

"Welcome to the Interdimensional Express! Next stop, the Parallel Universe of Procrastinators," SAM announced cheerily.

Rajesh rubbed his eyes, thinking the heat had gotten to him. But no, this was real. A passenger named Priya, who had just been reading a sci-fi novel, screamed in delight. "This is straight out of my book!"

The train entered the vortex, and the passengers were thrown into a world where everything moved at a snail's pace. People walked leisurely, conversations took hours, and a single cricket match lasted weeks. The passengers, initially amused, soon grew frustrated. "I have a meeting!" one man shouted.

"Sorry about that," SAM's voice crackled. "Let's try another universe."

The train jerked and swirled back into the vortex, emerging in a world of perpetual festival. There were street performances, food stalls, and colorful decorations everywhere. "Welcome to the Land of Eternal Celebration!" SAM announced.

Rajesh's colleague, Sameer, grinned. "Hey, at least we won't be bored here!"

But after gorging on sweets and dodging enthusiastic dancers, the novelty wore off. Rajesh found himself longing for his mundane office desk.

"Alright folks, let's give it one more go," SAM said, sounding almost apologetic.

The train entered the vortex one last time, and this time, it emerged in a universe identical to theirs, except for one small detail: everyone had a third eye on their forehead. Rajesh couldn't help but laugh. "I guess we'll fit right in!"

Just as the passengers began to adapt, SAM's voice returned. "Apologies for the inconvenience. We seem to have stabilized the route. Returning to the original Delhi Metro."

With a final swoosh, the train re-entered their own dimension and smoothly pulled into Patel Nagar station. The passengers, dazed and bemused, stumbled out. Rajesh looked around, half-expecting to see something outlandish, but everything was back to normal.

"Thank you for traveling with the Delhi Metro. We hope you enjoyed your interdimensional journey. Next station, Rajendra Place," SAM said, as if nothing unusual had happened.

Rajesh chuckled and shook his head. "Well, that was one way to break the monotony."

As he walked out of the station, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the future might hold for his daily commute. For now, though, he was just glad to be back on solid ground, in the comfortingly chaotic embrace of Delhi.  

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