Sunday, June 30, 2024


 In the quiet of the night, the superfast train from Kalyan to CST sped through the darkness, its rhythmic chug echoing through the mostly empty compartments. Among the dimly lit cabins, a traveler sat in the first-class compartment, gazing out at the fleeting shadows cast by the passing stations.

As the train slowed into Thane station, people disembarked, leaving the traveler alone. The solitude heightened his awareness of the train's every sound—the creak of metal, the distant whistle, and the rhythmic beat of the wheels against the tracks.

It was between Thane and Dadar, amid the eerie silence, that he first heard it—a faint but distinct sound of something skittering over the roof of the train. Startled, he peered out into the night, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever could be up there. Just as quickly as the sound came, it disappeared, leaving him bewildered.

Then, a flicker of movement caught his eye—a strange, bent shadow fleeting across the roof. His heart raced as he struggled to comprehend what he saw. Was it a trick of the night, his tired mind playing games, or something truly otherworldly?

Fear and curiosity wrestled within him. Would anyone believe him if he told them? Would they dismiss it as a tired traveler's hallucination?

The train rumbled into Dadar station, where passengers boarded once more, oblivious to the strange encounter above. The traveler's nerves eased slightly as the journey resumed, the incident fading into the backdrop of his thoughts.

Arriving at CST, he stepped onto the platform, a sense of relief washing over him. But before leaving, an inexplicable urge drew his gaze upward to the train's roof. There, faint imprints etched into the metal—a series of long, claw-like marks, confirming that something had indeed been there.

As he walked away, the mystery lingered in his mind. What creature could move so swiftly over a speeding train? Would he ever know the truth? Perhaps some mysteries are best left untold, lest they disturb the fragile peace of the night once more.

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