Was stuck in a train for twenty minutes today, because of some rail roko that happened in Dombivili. The trains were not going beyond Thane, and trains were stopped on the tracks one behind the other. Four trains were lined up in this fashion, when people started getting down and walking towards the nearest station, which was Mulund.
I have figured out the smell that I like the most. The smell of loads of old books – that was the highlight of the day; I received this shitload of books (the costliest courier job ever) from my Grandfather’s property that recently got sold off. They came in four huge packs, and a rough estimate would be six bloody cubic feet of old books that no one has read for at least fifteen years, maybe more. Grandfather died around fourteen years ago, and my grandmother was staying at my aunt’s house since then. She too died, seven years ago, and the property was sitting there, partially on rent for all these years. Thank God tomorrow is a holiday. There are bound to be some really rare books in here. There are some occult/ wiccan books, and loads of theosophy ones. There is “Theosophy and life’s deeper problems” by none other than Annie Besant. This book is hideously old, going all the way back to 1915. It has only four chapters, God, Man, right and Wrong, and Brotherhood. And another one called “Tantras, their philosophy and Occult Secrets” by D.N. Bose. My grandfather was into things that I am into, but my father isn’t. If only my grandfather was alive, or I was born earlier…
There is one book titled “stop this slander” which is a propaganda book against anti-Indian films, dated 1957. Will have to open all the books very carefully, and somehow find space to keep all of them.
A weird part of the entire thing is that there are these inscriptions in some language. I copied out a few. Usually, there is just one short line, but the longest one I found was in “Art in my time by Frank Rutter”. I might scan and blog the stuff to be decypted...
I think this has something to do with astrological signs.
There is this other relatively recent book (1977), which is the “the book of strange” and it has this section on feral babies. Something really interesting and needs a lookup in google. The book lists a Lithuanian bear-boy, Wild Peter of Hanover, Itard (who was featured in a 1970 french film titled Wild Peter of Hanover), Kamala and Amala, two children brought up by wolves in India in 1920, and Rmu the wolfboy from Lucknow (there was a photograph). I am still skeptical of this phenomenon, where abandoned children are brought up by animals, but it was intriguing to find so much evidence supporting the case. As of now, I am reading this amazing book on modern Bengali poetry (published in 1945). Amazing book.
Thank God tomorrow is a holiday.
Dude whats with the title best smell in the world with the picture of the central railways..for a moment i went WTF is wrong with his olfactory senses..had to read the rest of the stuff to figure it out..guess never judge a book from its cover a blog from its title...
Oh yeah, totally misleading title. It was supposed to be about today, but most of the post was about books. Now i am coughing like hell because of all the dust...
II class has the worst smell in the world. Just the sweat of all of em put together, if not the smell of other body fluids and solids and whatever...
second handed books have the most amazing smell.They even look good.
Ive got three days off in a row, starting from Friday. Yay. Nice week it has been.
Yes! Totally agree! Nothing better than the smell of old books!
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