Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Just lied that I have no blog to a friend with whom I'm chatting right now. Amazing day... bit of a bummer thoguh. i acted up out of frustration and came back home from coll leaving my friends behind, which is what a perfect asshole like me would do. Came home, and almost slept but listened to the radio and dozed off frequently, and watchedd whose line is it anyway. Then went on a long walk with aa "the impotent bastard" I was titled "the bastard two/too/2" by him. I called him a "the bastard" and after mulling over what to call me, including a "the impotent" which I did not like, told him that bastard was worse than impotent, so he was thinking and I suggested a "the bastard too/2/two....". then I sealed it with calling him an Impotent bastard. So I think I have the upper hand. 60% of the people in the world are bastards anyway...
yeah, we came up with an idea for a comic strip... which I am going to blog about later...

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