Sunday, December 18, 2005

Brief pyschology

Sacrificed the psycho test tomorrow for the persuit of the magic potion. Came across something intersting though, from Asterix and the Roman Agent.

The book, I just realised, is actually a very good study of human psychology where this roman dude spreads discord within the villiage.

Taking the easy way out, buildin up from one line summaries of all the psychologists covered in tomorrow's test.

1) Rogers: Actualisation tendency (To thrive as against surviving, of drive for realising one's fullest potential, creating man, society and culture). Major work: Client centered therapy. Write about student therapy.

2) Kohlberg: Kohlberg's most famous theory is that of stages of moral developement. They are 1) self interest / obidience-punishment oriental 2) conformity oriental 3) Universal ethics principles or social contract orientation.

3) Anna Freud: Most fucked up field of study, feeding disturbances in kids. The three disturbances are: organic origin, the instinctive process and neurotic disturbances. Major Work" Food and culture. Leave this out as a safe bet as this has zero content.

4) Jean Piaget: Basically cognitive developement in children. Three simple stages, taking in stuff with the senses (preoperational), acting by imitation (concrete operational) and acting by logic and conscious/subconscious decisions (formal operational). Major work: Just write structuralism, although it is NOT her major work.

5) Erikson: Cannot be summarised, as there are eight stages of developement, and each is full of content. If you HAVE to write this, then write that an individual tackles new obstacles in each stage of his life. The stages are infancy, younger years, early, middle and later adolescence, early middle and later adulthood and old age. (The two extra ones are the contribution to psychology from Erikson's students: younger ears and old age.) There is a different psychological crisis for each age. If you really wanna know, these are: trust, Autonomy, Initiative, industry, group identity, individual identity, intimacy, generativity, integrity and immprtality.

6) Skinner: Just write something about behaviorism. Basically how the society conditions motivation and thus behavior. He believed in positive reinforcement rather than punishment. Like throwing criminals in jail does not get rid of their criminal motivation, but therapy has a chance.
(Note: DO NOT USE THE WORD THERAPY, it's just to illustrate the point of what he is trying to say, Skinner never cunducted any experiments on criminals)

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