Now this guy here thought of a weird way to combat energy leaked while cooking - he added two passive heaters. Look at the picture.
Yes, the papad does get fried or roasted or whatever, yes two vessels of water CAN be boiled at once. The chart read:
"The device is useful to save about 3 1/2 kgs of gas per cylinder i.e. 20% of saving of L.P.G. and also it gives economical benefits.
By this simple arrangement of cost of Rs. 100 /- only the cooking items can be prepared with more speed."
Not too sure about the tests conducted to prove the first sentance, but the second proclamation about greater speed is total bullshit.
Look at this picture:
The fact of the matter is that instead of heating one vessel, the contraption is heating three at normal times, and atleast two. Heating four kgs of iron takes more energy than heating two. Therefore, this actually wastes more energy by heating a passive vessal. Stupid mad scientist who came up with this idea without knowing tenth standard physics.
If you wanna minimize wastage, just cover the lid, or put in mirrors around the flames of the stove, design vessals with deep groves where the rim of fire can fit in or something. There are a thousand ways to minimize energy leakage, but this sure as hell aint one.
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