Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Made gulab jamuns today

Tried making Gulab Jamuns today...

Sterted off by adding a cup of water to the readymade instant mix. the instruction said to add one part of water for four parts of mix, but the mix was very fluffy and didnt know whether to add water according to the volume of the mix when fluffy or when compressed. did it when fluffy to be safer, and got the dough... pretty much

then went ahead to make the syrup, which was supposed to be yellow but was still white when I added all the suger in this sugar bottle that we have Damn. Needs LOADS of sugar. The thing was not boiling till all the sugar melted. Damn. And when I went to take a photograph, the spoon fell in. Later, when I fished it out, it had become all sticky...

After adding even more sugar, the sugar syrup finally became a dirty brown color. which became the perfect yellow colour necessary when it cooled down. thank god. I used so much damn sugar!

the damn plastic handles had also become too hot to handle. So muchh bloody heat, and the smell of sugar was in the air, combined with the bad smell of the mix almost made me feel like vommiting.

Then I started heating the oil, which becomes pretty hot without showing a single distrubance on the surface. Like a fool, I was waiting it to start boiling like water. I guess it would have caught fire by then...

then I made the balls out of the dough... Made pretty big balls, the size of the jamuns I wanted... didnt know that they would become bigger. Could make only five balls, and they too were not too compressed...

Then I fried the balls, and the floppies stopped working, so I had to run around and risk over frying to take this snap...

and later... the jamuns were ready. Although they were huge, and cracks showed up where I should've compressed them more....

They were good, but not that good. they were not bad. They had too much oil, I should've removed more oil. And the mix wasn't done in the middle. Ah well... for a first... anyway, this is what they were supposed to look like, from a cookery site

from here

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