Sunday, April 17, 2005

what the virus did

another virus attack. I was composing a mail in notepad when it happened. deleted some of the mail though.

b//- b//- b//-b//- b///- b///-b /b//- n//- b//-b n b//-/- b//-bn b///- b//- b//- b//-/- nbc/an I/ type now? wits still going on . this is so bad.
- nb//-/- n//-nb/- nb/ nb/n nb/b/iour race ar/yan/s/r/anlk/;kl;kl; dumb thing came again. comes suddenly. Was typing a letter right now, came fro two seconds then dissappeard. this is shit.
gers c nb/ nb/-nkl,klklkl cool eh? nb- nb/-nb/-nb/-nb/-knb/-cool. y
and a/n ol/d na/ked /woman. Around sixty, In bot-h. nb////
nb/- nb/- nb/- nb/-yhghgh does it type now. menbe nhel---lo b//gggggggg nb/
please tell me everything is alright now...
is everything alright now
i really hope so.
just typing another line to be sure
I think it has normalized
but you an never be too sure
seems to be fine now.
ah well...
just giving it more time.

No antivirus seems to work, includingavg and mcafee. Damn.

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