Sunday, March 19, 2006

eeee porico

So for some obscure reason that is none of your fucking business, I was watching a program called "chalti ka naam antakshari". the anchoring was as follows:

Male Anchor: OH-aye-OYE

Female Anchor: Oh-aye-OYE-uhh-AAh

Male Anchor: OH-aye-OYE

Female Anchor: Oh-aye-OYE-uhh-AAh

Male Anchor: Wah!

In English, that would translate to:

Male Anchor: OH-aye-OYE

Female Anchor: Oh-aye-OYE-uhh-AAh

Male Anchor: OH-aye-OYE

Female Anchor: Oh-aye-OYE-uhh-AAh

Male Anchor: Amazing!

And the audience went wild, began to clap without stopping, and the anchors went on to host the next round.


Watched television for a bit, and it is funny how the people who act amazingly well in an ad screw up royally in films. Decided television had begun to significantly lower my IQ when I headed over to my room and decided to listen to some good music. Simon and garfunkel - the boxer - the one where they have a very pearljammish hum. Marcos Malo thinks they sang the song "bridge over Julie Walters" but no one knows exactly who Marcos Malo is, and in all probability, it is a screen name used for cracking bad jokes, so you can as well forget about that. I don't listen to Pearl Jam or SnG, so I wouldn't exactly know if they sound like each other, but what the hell, I might as well embarass myself by claiming that they do.

Damn literature is driving me nuts. I am expected to go through this goddamned book and read all the short stories and poems and then critically analyse it tomorrow. Apparently the questions are going to be difficult, but like anyone is really going to study. Study. Damn.

Seems to be the day dedicated to making obscure sounds. Moby is signing "why does my heart... feel so bad" and the chorus is going "eeee porico" in an endless repeated loop. Thank god the cranberries came up now. In your hair... in your hai-ai-ai-r... zombie... zo-om-bie... eh? eh? eh? eh? Ok will NOT give a running commentry of stupid sounds that I am hearing. Will go and occupy myself with something else. Television dearie, here I come again.


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