Monday, March 13, 2006

Ten lessons in life you can learn from Quake

10) If you die, don't worry, you'll be sent right back

9) If you shoot at people, they are likely to swear at you. Sometimes, they may shoot right back.

8) Try, try again, then choose a new weapon

7) Aliens are fugly and make weird noises

6) When there is a dearth of ammunition, have the balls to use your hands

5) Make sure there is something to land on before you jump off

4) Agression makes you horny

3) Cyborgs should NOT be programmed in DOS

2) Don't trust oriental guys with rocket launchers

1) Don't trust girls - they can fake anything


PerfumesReviewer said...

haha ha.. good one man.. some similarities to CS.. except the girl one and another one.. how do u get horny?

Anorion said...

Phallic guns