Sunday, December 31, 2006

There goes 2006

Maintaining a blog for over two years let me look back into where I stood at the end of the years... last year I had this blinding realisation about the mountain of past being an excellent teacher and a year before that I was indecesive about whether or not to cheat. This year, to be honest, I am restless and slightly disgusted. Restless because I want to be more occupied... most of this year I could not blog because I was too busy, and blogging was almost always close to my top priority.

Was like looking up 2007 in wikipedia... interesting things all set to happen.. a ban on smoking in England for instance... went ahead to 2008... then 20 2085... kept going past the 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th milleniums all the way to the eleventh millenium and beyond...

Monday, December 25, 2006


You dilate
For the sights
They dilate
For their curiosity
They fight
For their rights
You fight
For their egos
You replicate
For the dead author
They reproduce
For the dead idea
They think
For their role
You think
To sort out the jigsaw
They stress
For their conformity
You stress
For THEIR individuality
They play
For their education
You play
For yours
They laugh
For the joke
You laugh
When you don't get it
You smoke
For the smoke strings in the rain
They smoke
To Cloak the halitosis
You Globalize
For the fetishism
They Globalize
For the cancer
They end up with
You end up with
Helpless expression

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


There is this theory we learnt last sem in the media course, which suggested that an author might be dead because his work got interpreted in a hundred different ways. This would also mean that the author dies in a hundred different ways... unless you stop being so cynical and think what if the author lives in a hundred different ways.

Monday, December 18, 2006


When we matter most is when we choose that particular bliss that slowly poisons us, or we consume that passion that is at least temporarily gratifying... nothing really to write about, long time since I blogged... was too busy editing... will be back soon, more photoshopping on my hands, and just started off with fruity loops so...