Sunday, December 31, 2023

Dream Diary radar bloon edition

I had a long dream about a bunch of scientists using balloons with radar and hyperspectral imaging payloads to map urban centres in 3D in high resolution for town planning and collecting data to appropriately direct national schemes. It was a typical boring government setup who were using cutting edge technologies, and had lot of funny incompetencies such as everyone breaking for lunch when they arrive at an impasse at a meeting, and a scientist being reprimanded for asking information from the ministry for data they didn’t have as if it’s his mistake rather than the ministry’s.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

ChatGPT can feel my pain lol

I planned to visit home after years, and a busted ankle changed my plans. Life sucks right now, am in too much pain to bear. Pretty isolated too. 

It was a typical evening in Delhi, and I was looking forward to a weekend getaway with friends. The plan was set – we were going to explore the outskirts of the city. Little did I know that fate had a different agenda for me that night.

As I settled into my bed, fatigue from the day's work washed over me. I closed my eyes, anticipating a restful night's sleep. However, my dreams were abruptly interrupted by a sudden jolt of pain in my ankle. I winced and groaned, trying to make sense of what had just happened. It felt as though my ankle had twisted and turned in a bizarre dance of discomfort.

The pain was sharp and persistent, and I could hardly move without wincing. I gingerly touched my ankle, hoping that the pain was just a momentary inconvenience. Alas, the throbbing sensation confirmed my fears – I had somehow managed to sprain my ankle in my sleep.

My weekend plans flashed before my eyes, replaced by the harsh reality that I wouldn't be able to embark on the adventure I had eagerly anticipated. I begrudgingly accepted that my journey would now be confined to the four walls of my room.

Days turned into a monotonous routine of pain management and rest. Each step I took felt like walking on hot coals, and I became well-acquainted with the intricate art of hobbling. The swelling persisted, making the simplest tasks, like getting out of bed or taking a shower, seem like insurmountable challenges.

Ice packs became my closest companions, offering temporary relief from the persistent ache. I diligently followed the R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol, hoping that time would be the ultimate healer. Meanwhile, crutches transformed into my new means of mobility, allowing me to navigate my home with a clumsy semblance of normalcy.

As the days passed, I found solace in books, movies, and the occasional visitor who empathetically dropped by. However, the longing to explore the vibrant streets of Delhi lingered in my mind. I could almost hear the distant sounds of bustling markets, the aroma of street food, and the laughter of people enjoying the city's vibrant culture.

Gradually, my ankle began to show signs of improvement. The pain lessened, and I regained some semblance of mobility. Rehabilitation exercises became a part of my daily routine, a necessary ritual to strengthen the muscles that had been dormant for too long.

Eventually, the day arrived when I could take a tentative step outside my home. The air felt fresher, the colors brighter, and the world more vivid than I had remembered. Although my journey was different from what I had initially envisioned, the experience taught me resilience and appreciation for the simple act of walking – a lesson learned not on an adventurous getaway but within the confines of my own home in Delhi. 

Dream diary sneks edition

Another 'tell' that informed me I was lucid has now become too normal to notice. This was being able to take photographs in a dream. At first, the phone was an admixture of form factors, from a square slab to some kind of bridge device with a touchscreen and a keypad. Now, the smartphone looks and feels like a regular iPhone. The second tell was the software itself, which would be glitchy and unpredictable, not function like the regular camera app. The in-dream camera app now works well enough, that I cannot tell something is off. 

However, this time around, something was off right at the end. On tapping the shutter, it just refreshed the screen instead of saving the photograph. 

Anyway, I was exploring what seemed like a vertical slum, venturing into a temple after climbing through a maze of narrow gullies. There was a temple right on top, and I was surprised and entered it. Got attacked by a rat-snake-king, a writhing ball of baby cobras and rats trapped together. It was on my currently injured leg, and it was a nightmarish enough experience to wake me up. 

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Too cute

In the vastness of space, Polaris, Sirius, Betelgeuse, and Aldebaran find themselves engaged in a celestial conversation, their luminous presence forming a cosmic gathering.

Polaris (North Star): "Greetings, my stellar companions. How goes the eternal dance through the night sky?"

Sirius (Dog Star): "Ah, Polaris, the constant guide. I'm shining bright tonight, as always. Betelgeuse, you're looking rather fiery as well."

Betelgeuse: "Thank you, Sirius. Just releasing a bit of stellar energy. Keeps things interesting. And Aldebaran, how's life in Taurus?"

Aldebaran: "Steady as ever, Betelgeuse. Taurus appreciates a bit of stability. Polaris, your steady glow is truly admirable. How do you manage to stay so composed?"

Polaris: "It's the responsibility of guiding lost travelers, Aldebaran. One must stay constant to fulfill such a duty. Sirius, any news from Canis Major?"

Sirius: "Well, the canines down there are still barking at me, mistaking me for a herald of summer. But, Betelgeuse, you're known for your explosive nature. Any recent bursts of energy?"

Betelgeuse: "Oh, just the usual cosmic fireworks. It keeps the observers on Earth entertained. Sirius, your brilliance often steals the spotlight, though."

Sirius: "Guilty as charged. But we all have our roles in this celestial theater. Aldebaran, any celestial events on the horizon for Taurus?"

Aldebaran: "Not much, just the typical cosmic ballet. The Pleiades are still dancing around, and the Hyades are keeping their distance. Polaris, any words of guidance for the night?"

Polaris: "Continue to shine bright, my friends, and guide those who seek direction. Our cosmic dance is timeless, and our light reaches far beyond the confines of our constellations. Together, we create a tapestry of wonder in the night sky." 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Celestial Dispatch Volume 1

NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover Discovers Alien Babies Taking a Mud Bath in Lunar Crater: Unbelievable Footage Inside!

In a plot that seems straight out of a science fiction movie, NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover has allegedly captured jaw-dropping footage of extraterrestrial life on the moon. The shocking images show what appear to be alien babies frolicking in a muddy lunar crater, challenging everything we thought we knew about the universe.

Scientists and experts are at odds over the authenticity of the footage. Some suggest that the images might be a result of technical glitches or natural formations, while others speculate that this could be the groundbreaking evidence we've been waiting for, proving the existence of life beyond Earth.

The video has taken the internet by storm, igniting heated debates among conspiracy theorists, astronomers, and space enthusiasts alike. Social media platforms are abuzz with wild theories about the origin and purpose of these alleged alien babies. While the scientific community remains divided, the world watches with bated breath as NASA promises to unveil further details about the discovery.

If confirmed, this discovery could rewrite the history of space exploration and redefine our understanding of the cosmos. As speculation runs rampant, one thing is clear: the allure of the unknown has never been stronger, and humanity's fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life has reached an all-time high.

NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover Stumbles Upon Mysterious Alien Monolith on the Moon: What's Its Cryptic Message?

In an astonishing turn of events, NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover has reportedly stumbled upon a baffling discovery on the lunar surface—an enigmatic alien monolith standing in stark contrast to the desolate landscape. The perfectly smooth, metallic structure stands as a silent sentinel, its origin and purpose shrouded in mystery.

Experts and conspiracy theorists are abuzz with theories about the monolith's potential significance. Some suggest it could be an extraterrestrial beacon or a form of communication left behind by an advanced civilization. Others entertain the notion of it being a fragment from a cosmic civilization's spacecraft, a symbol of their presence in our solar system.

Social media platforms are flooded with speculative discussions and viral hashtags as people from all walks of life weigh in on the discovery. Skeptics argue that the monolith might be a result of natural processes, while believers point to its uncanny resemblance to the monoliths depicted in popular science fiction films.

As NASA scrambles to gather more data and analyze the monolith's composition, the world watches in fascination, drawn by the allure of the unknown. Could this be the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, or is it merely an elaborate prank? One thing is certain: humanity's insatiable curiosity about the cosmos has been reignited, and the enigma of the alien monolith continues to captivate our imagination.

NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover Unearths Mind-Blowing Alien Fossil: Ancient Squid God's Remains Found on Moon!

Prepare to have your worldview shattered as NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover unveils an unbelievable revelation—an alien fossil that appears to be the remains of an ancient squid god, hidden within a lunar crater. The discovery has sent shockwaves through the scientific community, raising profound questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations and their religious beliefs.

Initial analysis of the fossil suggests an intricate and otherworldly design, leaving experts puzzled and intrigued. The creature, resembling a colossal squid with divine attributes, challenges our understanding of life's origins and the potential for intelligent lifeforms beyond Earth.

As speculation runs wild, scientists are scrambling to decipher the fossil's composition and history. Some researchers speculate that the squid god might have been a revered deity for an alien civilization, offering clues about their culture and beliefs. Skeptics, however, remain cautious, attributing the find to natural geological processes or even an elaborate hoax.

The discovery has ignited debates among theologians, ufologists, and researchers alike. Discussions surrounding the potential connections between extraterrestrial life and ancient human myths are gaining traction, and the internet is flooded with theories and interpretations of the squid god's significance.

As NASA releases more details and analysis in the coming days, the world eagerly awaits answers to questions that challenge the very fabric of human understanding. Could this fossil provide evidence of intelligent life among the stars, or is it another cosmic enigma yet to be unraveled? The revelation of the ancient squid god fossil on the moon has undoubtedly reinvigorated humanity's quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

Mind-Bending Discovery: NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover Encounters Advanced Spacefaring Velociraptors Building Utopia on the Moon!

Hold onto your seats as reality takes an extraordinary twist—NASA's Chandrayaan 3 Rover's Pragyan module has allegedly made contact with none other than dinosaurs on the Moon! The shocking revelation claims that these creatures, identified as advanced spacefaring velociraptors, have established a breathtaking utopian society in lunar territory.

Initial reports suggest that these highly intelligent velociraptors have built an astonishingly advanced civilization, complete with intricate structures, technological marvels, and sustainable living environments. Their remarkable achievements have left the scientific community astounded and perplexed, raising profound questions about the potential for life beyond Earth.

The enigmatic reptilian beings have, however, made their stance abundantly clear: they want humanity to steer clear of the Moon. Expressing a desire for a peaceful coexistence within their lunar paradise, these spacefaring velociraptors have sent a resounding message to Earth: respect their sovereignty and keep the Moon untouched.

The global reaction to this revelation has been nothing short of extraordinary. While skeptics question the authenticity of the claims, believers and enthusiasts are captivated by the possibility of sharing the cosmos with a civilization from a bygone era. Social media is abuzz with memes, art, and discussions imagining a harmonious alliance or potential conflict between humans and these evolved lunar inhabitants.

As NASA and the international scientific community grapple with the implications of this mind-bending discovery, the world watches with bated breath. Could this be a colossal hoax or a genuine encounter that defies everything we thought we knew about the universe? The saga of the Moon's advanced velociraptor civilization has sparked a new chapter in humanity's fascination with the unknown, and the cosmos has never felt closer or more mysterious.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

DND Netherdeep Vol 26


The underwater cavers we explored so far

Jazco is way in the front. Rangu checks out the cavern and finds that the vents are sort of breathing water. We catch up with the group. 

Redrawing all the caverns. 

Jazco is far ahead of us. We want to take a short rest. Jazco reaches the end of the corridor, and finds another grotto. There is ruidium corruption everywhere. Skeletons and bones are strewn on the ground everywhere. The remains are vaguely humanoid. There is a shining spear jutting out upright in the middle of the room, emerging from a pile of bones and weapons. 

Jazco throws a rock at the spear, but the rock slows down. The rock makes contact with a skeleton whose ribs fall off. It tilts weirdly and just slumps there. Jazco heads back and hears Woolf's message. Jazco describes the grotto with the skeletons and the spear. 

We rest in the corridor. We then head towards the grotto. Jazco tries to use mage hands to displace the spear, but they are not strong enough. Rangu says fuck it watch my back, and sticks his hand inside, it is cold. About 80-90 feet away, Rangu spots an exit from the Grotto. Rangu then goes and tries to grab the spear. Rangu casts speak with the dead. 

Nothing happens. 

Rangu casts it on a number of skeletons, and there is no answer. Rangu then touches the spear, nothing happens. Rangu picks up the spear. The entire grotto starts reverberating, and fades. Everyone hears a soft voice that says "you shouldn't have done that", and above Rangu, a pale blue figure of a young child materialises out of nowhere. A sculpture of a man that that seems to be carved out of ruidium spawns next to the boy. It is a stern, sullen man. The man introduces himself as Theo Nathope. 

He asks us if we want to rescue Alyxian and the Apotheon. Ruidium man says baby Alyxian will kill us all if he leaves us for any reason. Floating about 20 feet above the room is a giant ruidium sphere that is slowly rotating on a tilted axis, about 50 feet in diameter. Theo puts his finger to his lips and points even higher. There are a pair of giant sharks swirling around the top of the sphere. 

The Apotheon tells us not to touch the red moon. Rara is a bit crazy, but Rara does not touch the sphere. Theo tells us that we have to walk very slowly towards the end of the grotto. Yazhi casts identify and finds out that it is a spear of warming, a magical weapon that warns you of danger. 

Jazco is cursed, and anyone around them has a disadvantage on saving throws. Woolf peaks into the small chamber, which has a half buried stone statue of Alyxian. Tendrils of ruidium are growing out of the damaged areas. In the chest of the statue, there is a hole, inside which there is a dull red key with a moon shaped handle. 

Rangu touches the mote and absorbs the fragment of abhorrence. Everyone gets a vision. We see a market with monsters. A woman is kneeling, tensely holding a weapon. She stands up, with an expression of disgust and anger and spits on your face. Harbringer, Omen, we sheltered you and you gave us death. Rangu takes damage if they start a turn when frightened, and can push away anything that gets attacked. 

We take the key and follow Theo. Theo goes through a secret door. We cannot find the door. Wolf kicks the base of the door and the wall opens up. We see Theo resting on the ground with his head resting on his arm and says, "you guys took a long time didn't you?"

There is a ruidium archway in the centre of the room. The walls are expanding and contracting like the insides of a beating heart. Theo goes through the arch. We hear a roar. We see an axe stuck in an orc. We kick the cloven orc down and breathe heavily from vanquishing another foe. We are surrounded by soldiers and followers, who take a step back at our gaze. There are whispers around us about omens and harbringers of death and malice and bad luck. The whispers culimnate in a white noise and we snap back to the arch. 

Theo tells us that the visions are a manifestation of his suffering, and all of that suffering has made him evil and malicious. But Alyxian can be helped and he has goodness in him. We then hear a howl, a human howl, like a person wailing. We are engulfed by darkness, and we all see visions. Of Ankharel, Wildmount, corpses and ruins. Theo tells us that this is what awaits us in the heart of despair, and all the visions are a metaphor for something. 

Alyxian was a damn good warrior, but never was a poet or a writer or a creative type. We go to a darker, colder place, with tendrils of ruidium rising around the walls. We see a small, pale, white light hovering six feet above the ground in a crevice on the wall. Rangu touches the mote. 

We find ourselves kneeling before a temple of Avandra the changebringer. We hear ourselves muttering to ourselves. "Fight for the Freedom of others" The hand is shaking. We feel the ground shaking beneath us. We here the clack clack of claws as these aberrations with claws and and tentacle faces burst out of the ground. 

Theo crouches in a foetal position in the centre, while we fight the three aberrations. He talks about the creatures sharing the rage and sorrow of Alyxian, who also have some peace submerged beneath his anger. 

Dream Diary dreamwalker edition

IDK what is happening here, spate of intense, powerful dreams. Eating a lot of fruits and drinking a lot of fruit juices, that is what is different. Also on a tox break. 

So this one was a bit weird. I was on street level, and saw the real world around me in the dream. I sort of floated - drifted through the city and I saw the whole environment like a library of dreams, with volumetric colour visions visible through the transparent walls of apartments. Most of the windows were dark in meatspace but lit in dreamspace, while some windows had their lights on in meatspace but were totally dark in dreamspace. The living rooms and kitchens were dark too, only the bedrooms were lit up. Some colours were hazy and diffuse, a few colours were more clear and bright. I floated upwards through my own apartment, and was tempted to enter other people's dreamspace, but I felt walls like the wills of people, and sensed that it would be impolite or cruel to intrude, and was also scared of what would happen as it was something that I do not know. I rose up to my own home, and woke up, with the dreamspace and meatspace blending together. 

Not exact, but close enough

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Just saw 65. 

Okay first of all meteors are the space rocks that burn up in the atmosphere of the Earth... asteroids are the space rocks in space. Asteroids struck the ship, not meteors. Jeez. 

Really like the geometric alphabet. They are like digital versions of runes. 

Great so the velociraptors were more size accurate. Not as tiny as chicken, but still better. 

Still there are a few things that you need on dinos now. 

1. Feathers for theropods

2. Coloration similar to birds

3. More skin and muscle on the bodies

Nice to see some four legged predators bucking the trend of centaurism in carnivorous dinosaurs. 

Still movie hit me right in the feels, despite being campy and cheesy. Cried, laughed and clapped, so all good. 

Such a great story lol, shows loss and restoration in a family, of two families actually. Would have been nice if the movie had a bit of a focus on Koa as well. 

Time to decipher the alphabet now. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023


I am a eat to live kind of guy. I just hate eating, and don't like to waste time on it. It took forever for my parents to wean me off spoon feeding. I am a slow eater, and just hate eating. In fact, I used to just flush down half my food down the drain. The watchman cleaning the drain, Tulsi mama once saw new idlis getting flushed and complained to my Mom, and directly scolded me for wasting food. I used to just let other kids eat my tiffin in school, and the mini idlis were especially popular. 

My mom always keeps a variety of fruits in the house, and insisted that I consume them as snacks. I never did, maybe a banana or a grape here and there, but never the apples, pears and chikus. Now, when Im living alone, especially in the Delhi summers, fruits have become something that I just love to eat. They are so nutritious, so healthy, so tasty. 

I keep ordering from this place called Falhari. They showed up on Shark Tank, and people thought that they were just an online version of the corner fruit cutter. They are so much more than that. They have variable pricing depending on market rates. The bad, ugly older fruit become juice. The fresh fruits are diced up and served to customers. You can choose which fruits you want, and there is granular control over the quantity. I love the chia fresca, coconut water, watermenlon juice, and the smoothies. There is banana, chocolate, mint, spinach, cucumber, grapes, and you can order any combination. NGL, it is pretty epic. Many times my breakfast is just coconut chunks. Order more than a grand worth of stuff, and they throw in a watermelon box. I ordered five different types of mangoes. It is just awesome. 

I ordered three litres of juice today. One litre of coconut water, a litre of watermenlon, a banana and spinach smoothie 500 ml, and shikanki 500 ml. I went to the local tapri and got two big bags of ice to cool the juices. After drinking most of the coconut water, I felt so thankful and fulfilled, that I did something I had not done in a long time. I prayed for the first time after a long time. I prayed to all the gods. Shiva, Vishnu, Laxmi, Brahma, Jesus, Allah, Buddha. I prayed to Krishna even though I knew he is not a god. I prayed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster knowing that it is a fake god created by atheists to prove a point. I prayed to some demiurge in case something like one created the universe, although I highly doubt it. I prayed to the universe itself. 

:) feelsgoodman.jpg

Friday, June 09, 2023

DND Into the Netherdeep Vol. 25

When we take the names of the ghosts, we are addressed by the sisters as Alyxian. They tell us that they would save us again even knowing their doom. We go to another cavern, and Rara touches a mote again. 

We go to another cavern, and there is a fallen creature. Ayo and their gang is around the creature. Irvan is missing his arm, which has been replaced by a metal arm. We almost have a fight, but they leave us alone after hurting us and breaking our hearts. Galsariad shows his true colours. 

We find 750 gold and a dual potion. We then go into a crevasse. We see a vision of Alyxian looking over a wild grassy expanse that transitions to a charred landscape. We also see a monstrous fish with streaks over its body moving far above us. 

Rara touches the shiny, yells out, fish attacks. Rara casts darkness, but the fish swats rara with tail and swallows rara whole. 

We fight with the fish and start running away. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Dream diary superpowers edition

Okay so this was good. It was as if my brain granted me some extra DMT lol, because I was waking up, drinking water, walking around, having a smoke, and then quickly sleeping and going into a deep dream XD. 

Was lucid enough to control myself, but not lucid enough to know Im dreaming. I visit a lot of cool urban exploration stuff, and now the camera app on my phone and the phone itself works and looks well enough to make me thing its real. This is because the phone not working properly is one of the cues that lets me know Im in a dream. 

I went past this place from Bandra to Kurla to Sewri, but it was all some dream version. Was in some complex in Andheri, got a random lift from a guy to Bandra station, took a train straight to Kurla and got out. There was some guy sleeping on a gadda on top of a tapri at Kurla station, who invited me for a smoke. I said no, and carried on, taking a rickshaw to Sewri. I passed some nice colourful buildings, that looked a bit like Sarojini market. Then I came to this vast theatre like place, but it was just the sides of buildings all around, like the windowless sides of compartment apartments in Delhi when one building in middle is demolished. The entire thing was done up in spectacular murals and graffiti. I happily took many photos. 

Then I took a rickshaw back, smiled again at the guy on the gadda but politely refused a smoke, Then I went to a friend's place in Mulund. There was a party going on with some friends I knew in dream, but no such people exist. They were actually mashups of random people on Instagram. The party was taking place in Yogi hills, in some guy's bungalow in the forest, who lived with his granny. 

Uh. There were a bunch of complex plans made, but basically, I flew back and forth between my home and the Yogi Hills place a bunch of times, then got bored of flying. This is where the cool thing comes in. For the first time ever, I teleported in my dream. I understood somehow that I was following Nightcrawler rules, of having to know the place before I could teleport. First time though, I ended up in Gandhinagar instead of Vasant Vihar. Second time, I was able to roughly teleport to a location even without having been there before. 

Then I did something even more strange. While hovering over a friend and telling them bye, I shapeshifted briefly! It was like Junoon, but instead of a weretiger I became a wereleopard. I could feel my eyes growing larger and getting night vision. I could also feel my canines growing longer and fur growing all over my body. But it was for a fleeting moment, because I smiled and teleported again right then. 

Fun all around. Did two things that I have never done before, teleporting and shapeshifting. 

Lets see what happens today. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

DND Into the Netherdeep Vol. 24

We pick up two owlbear statues and rubies from a treasure chest, then go on to explore the cavern system. Everyone gets rooted to the spot. In the vision, every step anyone takes leaves behind ruidium corruption, and everyone has a red glow. The people fight a bunch of evil warriors attacking commoners in a village, in a vision. 

Jazco and Woolf go into a crevasse that opens up that has a mote of crackling red light floating over a pedestal. They hear some message from Alyxian, asking them to give up hope. On the pedestal is a stuffed Moorbounder. They see a Rara hears a faint whisper, 'Maeska, my old friend'.

Rara reaches out to touch the sphere. Yazhi is not fast enough to cast resilient sphere. The moat gets aborbed by the ruidium hand. Bright red light shoots from Rara's eyes, and Rara is transported to the child's room, cleaner, fresher and without toys. The murdered woman is giving birth to Alyxian. Her husband is holding her hand. A midwife is helping her give birth, and the child comes out. It is silent make no noise, but its eyes open up and looks everywhere. 

The midwife immediately hands over the baby to the mother in disgust. "Even he knows, he is preparing for the dread omens that will haunt him for the rest of his and your lives". Rara has absorbed a fragment of despondence. Rara cannot help people anymore but is immune to being charmed. 

My consciousness starts to meld with Alyxian, I get very brief visions of seeking shelter as I am travelling, and reach late in the evening to an abode of three women. There are visions of laughter, and being welcomed for food and a bed to sleep in. The vision changes, you are standing outside the same home, with three gravestones, made of jagged red crystals. In my mind Alyxian says, "They welcomed me into their homes. Why can't I remember their names or their faces. Please help me remember."

Jazco and Woolf see a vision where Alyxian's parents are trying to seek help from a priest of Pellor, but the priest tells them there is no cure for the mark of the red moon and that they will find no help there. 

We dig three graves and head inside. The furniture is strewn around the ground floor of the houses. There are corpses everywhere, including the three women, and five very rough looking, malformed humanoids, dressed in rags. There are also two men clad in bloodstone chainmail. 

Woolf remember reading about the creatures. These are Grimlocks. Rangu clears the space, finds a cushion, and casts speak with the dead. There is a faint breeze, but nothing happens. We look around the house and find out the names of the three sisters, Meri, Marisa and Celeste. Once we learn all the three names, the bodies get swallowed up by the floor, and three ghosts emerge. We start fighting them. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

DnD into the Netherdeep, vol 23

The rift has just been opened, I blinked out, everyone takes some psychic damage. We see a large ruidium corrupted shark swimming towards us followed by two smaller cute dolphins. Yazhi tries to trap the large shark in a hamster ball, but is not succsesful. Jazco teleports between the sharks and blinds two of them. Rangu hits them with lightning. I manage to freeze one of them. Woolf slows down the three sharks. 

The large shark is blinded and slowed. One of the smaller dolphins is slowed. We can see the shark rapidly patching its injuries with ruidium. Yazhi turns the big guy into a sea anemone that slowly starts drifting down. Jazco starts riding a shark and casts radiant damage on the shark that can see. We kill two sharks and discuss what to do with the anemone. Our idea is to make it die in air. 

After a lot of discussion, we carry the anemone to the top of the Maw, and drop it. Rangu blasts the anemone mid way. It splatters at the bottom of the Maw, which Alita goes down and confirms. The Orc guard is scooping up the remains with a shovel.

We head to Craiyon's house. Alakritos and Craiyon are having an argument on our account. Alakritos is angry at Craiyon for sending us to dangerous missions. Alakritos is shocked and relieved. He is happy to see us back and alive. 

We talk to Alakritos about Ruidium and corruption. Then we split up to look for Ayo and gang. Jazco goes to Suncut Bazaar. Rangu goes to the river district. I go to Alluvium district. Yazhi goes to the Sigil district. Woolf goes to the Sand Heral. Rara goes to the Circlet Walk, then the Guided district. Yazhi then goes to the Ridge. 

We don't find Ayo and company. Rangu asks the Inkeeper of the Harried Mongoose to find Ayo's company and 100 gold. He tells us they were last seen headed westward from Ayu's temple. We take a long rest. Next morning, Alakritos gives us a novel ruidium dagger made for research purposes and not for any personal or professional benefit. He also gives us a bag of holding, and asks us to get as much ruidium as possible as we can from beyond the rift. 

We give Gorthag the Orc some beer, which Rangu uses prestdigitsation to chill again. We go past the rift again. Rangu scries to see Ayo's party again. They are walking through a dark tunnel. Maggie is leading the party. Galsariad turns towards Ayo and casts a cantrip that lights up the space. All of them have ruidium corruption on them. 

Everyone except me see a vision. These are fragmented memories... running through the street, looks into a puddle, there is a teenage boy who starts running away. Torches and scones are lit here and there, and it is the dead of night. There is a village hunt going on. There is darkness everywhere except for a vermillion moon. Alyxian grabs a cloak from a bar, runs into the forest, and joins the hunt. 

There is a clearing in the forest, with the red streaks of moonlight filtering through the forest. There is a scent of blood, and shouts of frantic calls by the villagers. Beneath the trunks of one of the large trees, is a young drow named Sakini, lying on the ground, barely alive and coughing up blood. Villagers are panicking. There are deep gashes on the body. She is trying to say something, but only ends up coughing up blood. 

Two large owlbears are running away from the scene. The party hears in their minds, a very sorrowful voice, as Alyxian says, "The price of my selfishness. I just wanted to hunt with them... arrggh. She died that night."

Friday, May 05, 2023

DnD Into the Netherdeep 22

 We enter the rift. Rara goes and touches the rift with her Ruidium corrupted hand, while Yazhi takes a few steps back. Ripples appear on the barrier, but they bounce back, and shut the little area opened by Rara. Rara realises that ruidium is the secret to opening the rift. Rangu uses the ruidium shield, causing the barrier to collect into a pulsating ball. We all take 44 points of psychic damage. Rangu uses the shield to go through the rift. Rangu is in pitch dark cavern, and sees two enormous statues that have settled on the seafloor at awkward angles. Each statue is missing its head. One of the statues has a hand has a claw like hand like its reaching out to something. Both of the statues are covered in ruidiumy crystals that are pulsing. Rangu comes back out, tells us about the statues, then we all go in through the rift. 

We are attacked by two angler fish and a large scary eel. 

Bunch of us go down. Alita remembers that her mom was the head chef at a saloon and she had snuck up into the fancier looking rooms, and found a leather bound book, found a spell about vicious mockery and stole the book, and decided to become a bard. 

Rara goes to an elite library and goes to the restricted section and sees a really tattered book and sees Nerthix.

Yazhi remembers running into a bunch of other kids who faught with him, which was a three vs one fight. While they are kicking Yazhi when he was down, an older drow woman comes into the alley and uses graviturgy to push them away towards the wall and pin them, and scares them away. The woman lifts Yazhi up and takes him to a pub nearby, gives some food. This Drow woman becomes Yazhi's teacher. 

We kill the remaining creatures. 

Rara and Rangu investigate the cavern while the rest of us head out of the rift because of the pressure of the water. They are transported into some kind of room of a child. There's a rocking horse, a cradle and a teddy bear in the room. Everything is corrupted by ruidium. The rocking horse is caked with ruidium, ruidium is spiking out of the teddy bear. There are a couple being attacked by a group of people. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

DnD Into the Netherdeep Season 19

Insight breaks down and starts crying. All of us head up and go to Alakritos. It takes about half a day as coming down was easier. Cryon and Alakritos are in a tense conversation. Insight accuses us of killing Gael through are actions. Alakritos tells Insight that Lymle was a member of The Consortium. Jazco tells everyone seems to be ignoring everything happening around them. Cryon gets up and vehemently agrees, proclaiming its time to pull up socks. 

Cryon calms everyone down, acknowledges our efforts at stopping the plans of the Vermillion Consortium, and as a token of our appreciation gives us more gold. Alakritos offers to calm Insight down with tea. Cryon asks us to rest up. 

We go take a long rest. We then go into a contest. Rangu, Jazco and Rara beat a group of goblins, then a haggard looking group of homeless people, who look the same before and after the battle. The last round is a group of three well armoured orcs. We win and everyone celebrates. We send a few days recovering and roaming the city. 

I get a leather strap, strap of white cloth and honeycomb. I also get The Ring of the Ram. We meet Cryon of the week. "The Survival of the Allegiance depends on the success of your next mission. It seems that The Consortium has been sending agents into Cael Marrow, and it seems they have found a rift, that leads to somewhere else. That is where you come in." 

We need to figure out two things, the first is how to enter the rift, and also what is beyond the rift. And you need to make your way back as soon you finish. We find out that Cryon and Alakritos differ on what to do with the rift. Alakritos does not want to mess with it, but Cryon wants to know what is beyond. Jazco tells us maybe we should get help from the Cobalt Soul. Cryon agrees to cooperate on information, but Cryon tells that we are short on time. 

We reach the library again, after showing Gorthog the letter. There are two sentinels controlled by Insight. We pass beyond the water. Yazhi gets a message from Alyxian. There is an ancient elf over the tablets. We meet two elves and an orc. We have invoked them by touching the tablets. One of the ghost goes into Rangu, one goes into Jazco. There is a bright flash of light. 

They are in a beautiful city. There is betrayer god, Grumesh with a big sword about to smash the city. The powerful have already abandoned the population. The blow is parried by Alyxian, but Grumesh is able to destroy the city even so. We see the destruction of the city. We promise the ghosts that we will remember them and tell the story. We are left in the glow of the other room besides the library. 

We see a massive stone temple, rising from a courtyard. The inside of the temple is glowy and pulsing. We cannot enter it, so we go over a hill, We meet three little crabs, and somehow defeat all of them. We read something about Apotheon talking about some great defeat. This is a tablet written by Alyxian. 

We see a kelp forest to the north, and two hills in the northeast. We go to the kelp forest, where we get attacked by something with tentacles and a trident. We get a ruidium shield, sword, and something. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Treasure Hunt Volume 2

 $ Welcome to the Digital Treasure Hunt! Your first clue is hidden in a file. Use the program "hexedit" to find it. Good luck!

$ hexedit clue1.jpg

# scroll through the hex code until you find the message: "Arthur Conan Doyle once said: 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' Find the next clue in the image file and proceed to the next step."

$ cd ~/Pictures/

$ ls

clue1.jpg clue2.png

$ stegolsb reveal clue2.png

The message reads: "Herman Melville once said: 'It is not down on any map; true places never are.' Look for a file with a hidden attribute in the home directory and find the next clue."

$ cd ~/

$ ls -a

. .. .clue3.txt

$ cat .clue3.txt

The message reads: "Richard Dawkins once said: 'Science is not a body of facts ... it is a way of thinking.' Look for the next clue in a file with an encrypted file name in the Documents folder."

$ cd ~/Documents/

$ ls


$ openssl enc -d -aes256 -in sfs231f.dmg -out clue4.txt

enter aes-256-cbc decryption password:

# enter password: "scienceismyreligion"

$ cat clue4.txt

The message reads: "Neil Gaiman once said: 'Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.' Look for a hidden file in the Downloads folder and find the next clue."

$ cd ~/Downloads/

$ ls -a

. .. clue5.txt .hidden_file

$ cat .hidden_file

The message reads: "HP Lovecraft once said: 'The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.' Look for a file with a hidden extension in the Videos folder and find the next clue."

$ cd ~/Videos/

$ ls -a

. .. clue6.DAT

$ mv clue6.DAT clue6.txt

$ cat clue6.txt | base64 -d > clue7.tar.gz

$ tar -zxvf clue7.tar.gz


$ cat clue7.txt

The message reads: "Douglas Adams once said: 'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.' Look for a hidden directory in the root folder and find the next clue."

$ cd /

$ ls -a

. .. .hidden_folder

$ cd .hidden_folder/

$ ls


$ qpdf --decrypt --password='hidden' clue8.pdf - > clue8.txt

$ cat clue8.txt

The message reads: "Isaac Asimov once said: 'The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny..."'. Congratulations, you have found the treasure!"

Treasure Hunt

 $ Welcome to the Digital Treasure Hunt! Your first clue is hidden in plain sight. It is a quote from HP Lovecraft: "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." Find the next clue and proceed to the next step. Good luck!

$ ls


$ cat clue1.txt

%uHGHGGP x;g,g?%b 3467Sdz.

$ python clue1.txt

The decrypted message reads: "Neil Gaiman once wrote: 'Books were safer than other people anyway.' Look for a book in the library and find the next clue."

$ cd library/

$ ls


$ cat book1.txt

This is just a random book.

$ steghide extract -sf book1.jpg

Enter passphrase:

steghide: could not extract any data with that passphrase!

$ ls

book1.txt book1.jpg

$ steghide extract -sf book1.jpg -p "Books were safer than other people anyway."

steghide: extracting file "clue2.txt" to current directory

$ cat clue2.txt

The message reads: "Douglas Adams once wrote: 'The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.' Look for a file in the Downloads folder and find the next clue."

$ cd ~/Downloads/

$ ls


$ pdfcrack -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt clue2.pdf

found user-password: '42'

$ qpdf --password=42 --decrypt clue2.pdf clue2-decrypted.txt

$ cat clue2-decrypted.txt

The decrypted message reads: "Oscar Wilde once wrote: 'To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.' Use the password to open the file and find the next clue."

$ cd ~/Documents/

$ ls


$ cat clue3.txt

The message reads: "Herman Melville once wrote: 'It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.' Find a hidden file in the Documents folder and find the next clue."

$ ls -a

. .. .clue3

$ cat .clue3

The message reads: "Mark Twain once wrote: 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.' The next clue is hidden in an image file. Use steganography to find it."

$ steghide extract -sf image.jpg -p "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -xf clue4.txt

$ cat clue4.txt

The message reads: "Arthur C Clarke once wrote: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Look for a hidden folder in the root directory and find the next clue."

$ cd /

$ ls -a

. .. .hidden_folder

$ cd .hidden_folder

$ ls


$ cat final_clue.txt

The message reads: "Isaac Asimov once wrote: 'The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.' Congratulations, you have found the treasure!"

Copy Code

 ~/$ login: root

Password: ********

Welcome to the Alien Universe Terminal.

AUT:~# ls -l

total 1273901017381111029

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root             0 Feb 17 14:22 home

-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1000000000000000000 Feb 16 08:00 bigfile.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 root root          1024 Feb 17 10:45 important_doc.txt

AUT:~# cat important_doc.txt

Mysterious transmissions detected from a remote star system. Investigation required.

AUT:~# cd home

AUT:~/home# ls

alien01  alien02  alien03

AUT:~/home# cd alien01

AUT:~/home/alien01# ls

logs  reports  experiments

AUT:~/home/alien01# cd experiments

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments# ls

experiment1  experiment2  experiment3

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments# cd experiment1

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1# ls

data  results

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1# cd data

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/data# ls

data1.txt  data2.txt  data3.txt

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/data# grep "unknown signal" data1.txt

unknown signal detected. analyzing...

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/data# rm data1.txt

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/data# cd ../results

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/results# ls

result1.txt  result2.txt

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/results# cat result1.txt

Unknown signal source detected from remote star system. Further investigation required.

AUT:~/home/alien01/experiments/experiment1/results# cd ../../..

AUT:~/home/alien01# cd ../../..

AUT:~/# rm -rf home/alien02

AUT:~/# rm -rf home/alien03

AUT:~/# echo "Initiating exploration mission to remote star system." > mission.log

AUT:~/# shutdown -h now

System is going down for maintenance in 5 minutes.

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Mar 15 14:50:00 2023):

System is going down for maintenance NOW!

AUT:~/# exit

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Mar 15 14:55:00 2023):

System shutdown time has elapsed, system is back online.

Welcome to the Alien Universe Terminal.

AUT:~# cd mission
AUT:~/mission# ls
destination.txt  logs

AUT:~/mission# cat destination.txt
Remote star system: Luyten 726-8

AUT:~/mission# cd logs
AUT:~/mission/logs# ls
start.log  data.log  results.log  end.log

AUT:~/mission/logs# cat start.log
Mission initiated. Traveling to Luyten 726-8.

AUT:~/mission/logs# cat data.log
Analysis of signal source revealed. Extraterrestrial life forms detected.

AUT:~/mission/logs# cat results.log
Extraterrestrial life forms identified as intelligent beings. Communication established.

AUT:~/mission/logs# cat end.log
Mission successful. Returning to home base.

AUT:~/mission/logs# cd ..
AUT:~/mission# rm -rf logs

AUT:~/mission# cd ..
AUT:~/# shutdown -h now
System is going down for maintenance in 5 minutes.
Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Mar 15 14:50:00 2023):

System is going down for maintenance NOW!

AUT:~/# exit

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Mar 15 14:55:00 2023):

System shutdown time has elapsed, system is back online.

Welcome to the Alien Universe Terminal.

AUT:~# cd galaxy
AUT:~/galaxy# ls
Andromeda  MilkyWay  Triangulum

AUT:~/galaxy# cd Andromeda
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda# ls
planets  stars

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda# cd stars
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars# ls
Sirius  AlphaCentauri  Betelgeuse

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars# cd AlphaCentauri
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri# ls
planets  ships

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri# cd ships
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships# ls
transport  warship

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships# cd transport
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport# ls
logistics  personnel

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport# cd personnel
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel# ls
crew  passengers

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel# cd crew
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew# ls
captain  firstofficer  engineer  medic  technician

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew# cd captain
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew/captain# ls
orders.txt  mission.txt

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew/captain# cat orders.txt
Captain's orders for transporting valuable cargo to remote location:

1. Keep cargo secure at all times.
2. Avoid detection by other vessels.
3. Do not engage in any confrontations.

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew/captain# cat mission.txt
Mission objective: Transport valuable cargo to a remote location in the Andromeda galaxy.

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/crew/captain# cd ..
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel# cd passengers
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers# ls
alien  human

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers# cd alien
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien# ls
Zorg Fizz

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien# cd Zorg
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Zorg# ls

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Zorg# cat personal_log.txt
Entry 13:

I have been traveling for weeks now and I must say, the human passengers are quite amusing. They seem to have a unique sense of humor and an obsession with a planet called Earth. I must say, I'm intrigued.

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Zorg# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien# cd Fizz
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Fizz# ls

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Fizz# cat plan.txt
Our mission is to transport valuable cargo to a remote location in the Andromeda galaxy. My plan is to take control of the ship and sell the cargo for a large profit. I've already started making deals with potential buyers in the galaxy.

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien/Fizz# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/alien# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers# cd human
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human# ls
John Jane

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human# cd John
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/John# ls

AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/John# cat diary.txt
Day 23:

I can't believe we're traveling to the Andromeda galaxy to transport valuable cargo. It's like something out of a science fiction novel! The aliens on board are quite interesting too. I've been chatting with Zorg, and he seems like a nice guy. Fizz, on the other hand, gives me the creeps. Something about him just seems off.

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/John# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human# cd Jane
AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/Jane# ls


AUT:~/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/Jane# cat book.txt
Chapter 5:

As the ship traveled deeper into the Andromeda galaxy, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement. She had always dreamed of exploring the unknown depths of space, and this journey was more than she could have ever imagined. The alien passengers on board added to the surreal experience, and she found herself bonding with Zorg over their shared love of Earth's music.

AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human/Jane# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers/human# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel/passengers# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport/personnel# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships/transport# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri/ships# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars/AlphaCentauri# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda/stars# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy/Andromeda# cd ..
AUT:/galaxy# cd ..
AUT:~/# cd ..
AUT:/# rm -rf galaxy
AUT:/# echo "Oops, I accidentally deleted the entire Andromeda galaxy. My bad!"

The terminal window abruptly closed, leaving the user to ponder the implications of their actions. The galaxy was gone, and all that remained was a message of regret. The universe would never be the same again.


 Mood enhancement: Chocolate contains chemicals such as phenylethylamine (PEA) and serotonin, which can help improve mood and promote feelings of happiness and relaxation.

Reduced risk of heart disease: Studies have shown that eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate may help lower the risk of heart disease, due to its antioxidant content and ability to improve circulation.

Improved cognitive function: The flavanols in chocolate may help improve cognitive function, particularly in older adults, by increasing blood flow to the brain and protecting brain cells from damage.

Better skin health: The antioxidants in chocolate may help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and UV radiation, potentially leading to improved skin health.

Reduced inflammation: The flavanols in chocolate may help reduce inflammation in the body, which can lead to a variety of health benefits.

Improved insulin sensitivity: Some studies suggest that consuming moderate amounts of dark chocolate may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Reduced stress: Chocolate contains magnesium, which can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Improved athletic performance: The flavanols in chocolate may help improve blood flow to muscles, potentially leading to improved athletic performance.

Reduced risk of stroke: Studies have suggested that moderate chocolate consumption may help reduce the risk of stroke, possibly due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Increased longevity: Some studies have suggested that moderate chocolate consumption may be associated with increased longevity, although more research is needed to confirm this potential benefit.


Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Bangalore, there was a curious boy named Rahul. Rahul was always fascinated by technology and had a knack for exploring the vast world of the internet. One day, while on a walk through the streets of his city, with his iPod out, Rahul stumbled upon something that piqued his interest, something he was looking for - an unsecured wifi hotspot.

Rahul had already downloaded several legal apps from the App Store that would help him achieve his goal. One of these apps was "Network Analyzer Pro," which provided him with detailed information about the wifi networks he found. Rahul used this app to scan for open networks and to map out the locations of each network.

With this information, Rahul was able to connect to the unsecured wifi hotspots and access the internet without any restrictions. He also used the "Fing" app to determine the devices connected to the network and identify potential vulnerabilities. Rahul knew that he could use this information to make mischief, so he started exploring his options.

One of the apps that caught Rahul's eye was "WiFiKill." This app allowed him to kick other users off the network, giving him complete control over the bandwidth. He used this app to slow down other users' internet speeds, causing frustration and annoyance.

Another app that Rahul used to make mischief was "Fake-A-Call." This app allowed him to simulate an incoming call on his iPhone, complete with a realistic ringtone and caller ID. Rahul used this app to make it seem like someone was calling him while he was walking past strangers on the street, causing confusion and amusement.

Finally, Rahul discovered the app "WiFiSpoof." This app allowed him to change the MAC address of his iPhone, effectively disguising his device and making it difficult for others to track his activity on the network.

With these apps and his mischievous mind, Rahul had a great time warwalking through the streets of Bangalore in 2011, causing just a little bit of chaos and confusion wherever he went. Though his actions were harmless, Rahul knew that he had the power to wreak havoc if he so chose.

Oldest stories known

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor is an ancient Egyptian story from the Middle Kingdom period, which is believed to have been written around 2000 BCE. The story tells the tale of a sailor who is stranded on an island after his ship is wrecked in a storm.

The story begins with the sailor, who is unnamed, recounting his story to a high official. He describes how he set out on a journey with a group of sailors, but they encountered a powerful storm that destroyed their ship and scattered the crew.

The sailor was able to cling to a piece of debris and eventually washed up on the shore of an island. The island was barren and uninhabited, but the sailor was able to find fresh water and fruit to sustain himself.

One day, the sailor saw a giant serpent approaching him. He was afraid, but the serpent spoke to him, asking him who he was and how he came to be on the island. The sailor told the serpent his story, and the serpent was moved by his plight.

The serpent offered to help the sailor, and told him that he was actually a powerful god who had taken the form of a serpent. The god instructed the sailor to make an offering to the gods, which he did by constructing a small shrine out of reeds and offering fruit and water.

The god then instructed the sailor to climb onto his back, and he carried the sailor across the sea to the coast of Egypt. The sailor was overjoyed to be reunited with his family and to have survived his perilous journey.

The story of the Shipwrecked Sailor is thought to have been a cautionary tale about the dangers of the sea and the importance of showing gratitude to the gods. It has been preserved on papyrus scrolls and is considered to be one of the oldest examples of narrative fiction in the world.

Tell The Story of Sinuhe

The Story of Sinuhe is an ancient Egyptian tale that dates back to the 12th Dynasty, around 2000 BCE. The story follows the life of Sinuhe, a courtier who flees Egypt after the death of his king.

The story begins with Sinuhe being sent on a diplomatic mission to a neighboring country. While he is away, the king of Egypt dies, and Sinuhe fears for his life as he was closely associated with the deceased king. He decides to flee Egypt and seeks refuge in a foreign land.

While in exile, Sinuhe becomes a successful and respected member of the foreign court. He marries and has children, but he remains deeply homesick for Egypt. He longs to return to his homeland and is torn between his love for his new life and his desire to be reunited with his family and friends.

Eventually, the new king of Egypt hears of Sinuhe's success and sends an envoy to bring him back to Egypt. Sinuhe is hesitant to return, but he ultimately decides to do so, knowing that he can no longer resist the call of his homeland.

Upon his return, Sinuhe is warmly received by the new king and is reinstated as a courtier. He is reconciled with his family and friends, and he is given a position of honor and respect in the new kingdom.

The Story of Sinuhe is considered to be one of the most famous works of ancient Egyptian literature, and it is notable for its themes of loyalty, exile, and the longing for home. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of ancient Egypt and the values and beliefs of its people.

The Atrahasis 

The Atrahasis is an ancient Mesopotamian epic poem that dates back to the 18th century BCE. It tells the story of the creation of humans and their struggles with the gods.

The story begins with the creation of the world by the gods, who fashion humans out of clay to be their servants. The humans work hard for the gods, but they eventually grow tired of their servitude and complain to their god, Enlil.

Enlil is angered by their complaints and decides to punish them with a flood. But the god Ea takes pity on the humans and warns them of the impending disaster. He instructs them to build a boat and to fill it with animals and their families.

The flood comes and destroys all of the humans who were not on the boat, as well as much of the earth. After the flood, the gods are left with a problem: they still need humans to work for them, but they cannot risk another rebellion.

They decide to create a new type of human, one who is not so strong or independent. These humans are designed to be more docile and to work more willingly for their gods. And so the world is repopulated with these new, more submissive humans.

The Atrahasis is a complex and nuanced work that explores the relationship between humans and their gods, as well as the themes of creation, destruction, and rebirth. It is considered to be one of the oldest surviving works of literature and is an important artifact of ancient Mesopotamian culture.

Tell the Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers

The Tale of Two Brothers is an ancient Egyptian story that dates back to the 13th century BCE. It tells the story of two brothers, Anpu and Bata, and the trials and tribulations they face.

The story begins with Anpu, the elder brother, marrying a woman named Astarte. Astarte falls in love with Bata, the younger brother, and tries to seduce him. Bata rejects her advances and tells his brother about her behavior.

Anpu is furious and attempts to kill Bata, but Bata flees into the desert. While in the desert, Bata comes across a magical tree that promises to help him if he promises not to reveal its location to anyone else.

Bata returns to Anpu's house and tells him that he has found a magical tree that can provide for their every need. Anpu agrees to help Bata retrieve the tree, but when they arrive, Bata cuts off his own genitals and throws them at Astarte.

Bata then transforms into a bull and runs away. Anpu returns to his house and tells his wife that Bata is dead. Astarte is horrified and begs Anpu to search for his brother. Anpu eventually finds Bata and they are reconciled.

The story of the Tale of Two Brothers is considered to be a cautionary tale about the dangers of jealousy and the importance of brotherly love. It is notable for its portrayal of the gods, who play an active role in the lives of the characters. It has been preserved on papyrus scrolls and is one of the oldest surviving examples of narrative fiction in the world.