Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ok, another stoooory jusssst 4uuuuu!!!!!

onceuponatime inaland farfar awaaay. therelivedacreature amutanthybridundeadcreature thatlookedalmosthuman. andthatcreature wasthegoddamn king ofthe magicbookswerewrittenhere kingdom. And the magicbookswerewrittenhere kingdom hada capitalcity. the capitalcity wasreferredtocolloquillybythenameof heartoflifeintheentireunifuckingverse. Inthemiddleofthecity referredtocolloquillybythenameof heartoflifeintheentireunifuckingverse, wasatalltowerofvirtueandpassion, a templededicatedtothegrowthofgreenplants, atoweringgardenthatcouldbeseenformilesaround, andonthetopmostlevelofthetowerknownas, thestatesponsoredverysecuregardensofvenemousgrowingthings, wasaspore. Thesporewassosmallthat afuckingmicroscopewouldbe neededjusttofindoutanentire forestofeighteenhundredbillion ultratranslucentcrystellinealmostaqueousverygummythings. Yeahtruustory. asgoodasitgets.
K gr8. so u ahs drea mov sum kInd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ smu illsuhun rite, sumn kindf ov theory oN how teehWurld werkz~~~~~~~ u ned 2, otehrwize u wud be calld f&^%Ing insne SOMEtHIN DATR KEEPS U BRE4THINM AN DRIv3Z UR THOGUHTS!!!!!11~~~~~~ f&^% dat shit, doexz not martr!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ wut mzattars Iz hwo c0nt0rl it~~ or 7et 1t go out o\/ cont0rl!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ ro whatervr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ DOEZ NOT MATR OLOLOOLLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!! f&^% dat shit aS wEll k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ OLOLLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!111 wil ltre4d crfulkyl,, ummm. m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ mlets put it ids wai thar iz diz tank r1te, well camopuflagd, an re3Ady 2 fierE!!!!!!111~~~~~ olol teh tank doez nit haz d0se dolw an heavy chainz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 THAR R 8 HEAVY TIREZ, WIF WELL dEFIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ OLOOLOLLOLLO!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Well defind... .. grioovez or sometjhin ytehy cut thRu teh tirez an ahlp iv grip pon teh suirf4ce lolololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ oololollo reh peice 0v shit movbd fasst LOOLLOLOLLOOOLOL~~~~ you r lame irt cxud zip thru teh highjway Asfast blurr, an peedpz wud osrt ov pee in tehir pantz, latR, an in hteir sleep... anyway, it wuz F&^%Ing tank, an it zahd wamn ov dosE huge ass guns, 4n orrtatin tufrret kindo v shit, dst cud go rOund anrOund,,, HACK YOUUUUUIU BECUZ I WILL HAX0RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ lololololololo.... IF U WUZ AN ADV3NRTUREOUZ SORT OV FELLOW, U DU LEIK AHNG URSLF FRUM TEHJ GUNU SIUN BELT, GIT BUD 2 SORT OV SPIN TEH TURRET AROUND, AN DENJ HEAR TEH SLoW WHISTLNI OV T3H AIR MOVIN DOWN TEH INNR p4RT OV TEH CHAMBR.. fun teims ya?????????????? a~~~~~~ . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ // nywhoopo total badas shti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 vut uu jous cnotero lit u knoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 LOLOLOLO!!!!!!1~~~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL~ U KEEP SORYT O\/ D0I|\| It ALL TEH TIEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ ololoololoolololo tryyin 2 deCide wer teh univars 1z headd/// lotz da epepsd r even f&^%ing carrain dAt th3y can do ot OLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ jus imAgine s0m,ethin ajn it happens they say even if such ting 1z expar3iuncd brfeifly, 4 few seondz even, d4t unfrotun8 Hooman beanm \\\\////\\\\////ill jus drift away into unreality uz teh shit cant be controlld~~~~~~~ MAYB3 IT CAN MAYBE NOt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! donno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ LOLLOO... doez not/\/\attr anyway// dati z so totally not teh poInt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ treh point... ya, dat izs Omethin d4t evrythin abso-f&^%ing-lutely must ajs!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ loloololololol if som3thind oez not ahs point, den it poinTles. IM/\/\A NOT GOIN 2 EXPLAIN MYESLF, AN JUS 4 KIX0RZ, DF&^% U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~

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