Sunday, March 15, 2020

D&D Journal - Adventures at Terra Vol 2

22/10/85/01 Tazius
I add some horse meat to the stew, and four hours later, wake up Bjorn for his watch. I come out of trance a few hours later to learn that some more strange events happened during the night. The buried bandit disappeared with a trail of blood leading into the forest. Bjorn followed the trail and found another trail joining the first one. Bjorn followed the combined trail till it just disappeared in the forest. Bjorn then woke Dave and asked him to look into the trails and went to sleep. Galadriel kept watch while Dave followed the second trail backwards... which led to the sleeping bandit in the camp! Zakion also left the party in the middle of the night.

23/10/85/01 Tazius
The next morning Dave said something weird happened over the course of the previous night, but did not give too many details. With regards to the strange animal noises in the night, Dave only said is Galadriel and Bjorn foraged some and filled up the water skins. The Sun was setting to the left and a cool breeze was blowing from the right, bringing with it a smell of fresh water and fishes. The river was east of us and we were going north. The forest is still ravaged by fire to some extent, but the damage here has reduced. Lindir wonders the story of the races in Lesser Terra. I forage in the forest and get a wide variety of fruits, tubers and roots. Dave begins preparing the camp while I head to the river and get new water in all the skins. Sylph questions need about the fire, and she does not believe me. She tries to set my pants on fire, but Dave comes between us, and says “there are many things out to hurt you in the forest, better not fight among yourselves.” We finish the stew and save some foraged tubers, roots and fruit for later. I take the first watch and try to sing the dog to sleep but only manage to wake everyone else up, giving them a headache. Then the bard sings a lullaby, putting the dog to sleep. Galadriel keeps watch while everyone else rests. I come out of trance four hours later to find out that Galadriel has been attacked by ants. I starts making a Mancala board.

24/10/85/01 Tazius
The next morning, Dave wakes up first. We pack up and head to the river. We then forage on the way, and have some stew. Then we come to a rocky walk and begin to climb. Bjorn climbs first and throws down a rope. The rest of the party climb using the rope, but Syl scales it free, and alarmingly quickly. Then we ford the river upstream from the waterfall. The trees are sparse here. We walk for a few hours. Then Dave disappears, goes to pee. I follow him discretely and see that he is indeed peeing, and return to the camp. We wait for half an hour then follow the way he went. We come across splashes of blood, then follow the trail to a wall of staked heads, humans and animals. The humanoid faces have their ears cut off and teeth missing. There is a rotting bear, wolf and deer heads as well. We follow the trail further and see a pile of white skulls of various creatures. We go prone and approach a goblin settlement. Bjorn can speak their language, and approaches them. Bjorn tried to persuade the goblin guards. The Goblins are apparently preparing a feast.

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