Friday, April 30, 2021

New terra adventures volume I

So Figwit ended up at a TPK for no good reason because two other people in the party were too curious. I have been warned to expect to die. DM came up with new campaign set 20 years in the same world that has seen the full consequences of our actions. Im a tortillian druid with an impossibly high AC (18). Name is Ploqwat, from the Underdark campaign. 

The best thing that happened was set my life goal as travelling through space. In the first session itself, a wizard teleported us to another planet, to a house on a hill in the middle of unending grasslands, and I got 50 influence points. Life goal accomplished. We are set to do a few adventures with this wizard chap, who seems to be a fantasy space wizard with a Jeeves. Now we are on the trail of a mad alchemist who seems to have gone poof, mostly after going boom. Alchemist across the street, lets call him AS has a kid apprenticed, he tells us to go meet this person called Ferrier.

This kid has been a cause of much discussion in the group, two people wanted to rescue him. Fortunately my char is grumpy, so I got an extra influence point for being myself. I don't care two hoots about no kid. 

We check at the alchemist's guild and the adventurer's guild and find out that the one we are looking for just disappeared, after dealing with racing pigeons and whatnot. His name was Clack, and something went wrong with his master, after which he swore to remain an apprentice for life, and never took on an apprentice of his own. Still, there seems to be some young fellow who worked with Clack or Klack or Klak. 

There's a lot of glass at the place, we closed up the house as we left it. Oh party is made up of a guy who is a girl, a girl who is a guy, and a girl who is a changeling, me of unknown gender and a male barbarian. GM is thoroughly confused about which pronouns to use and is constantly being corrected.

The team thought it was a good idea to go into Ferrier's place in the dead of the night, and we stopped at a critical fumble. 

To be continued 


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