Monday, October 31, 2005

David Copperfield

Read (most of) (an abriged version of) David Copperfield. Noticed that the book was just a charachter sketch... just showed the life of this entire individual. Although his life was more than slightly depressing and slightly boring.
Noticed that such books aren't written any more. Fictitious biographies... was that a style of writing at some time? Have to see if I can find more of those books.
Nice read, liked the way the people are: neither good, nor bad. For example, Dora, David Copperfield's first wife is stupid and incompetant. There are many sub stories in the book: That of Emily, of his aunt, of his maid, of even Mr Brakis. The book actually shows the complex connections in a life as if it were that of a real individual. Likes the fact that he finally settles down with Agnes.
Nice read.

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