Thursday, February 02, 2006

Creative ways to take revenge (on this blog)

Ok, so I have given a lot of people a lot of reasons to hate me. random anonymous people from Mizoram still come and haunt me by commenting on old articles that made fun of these Mizoramites (the Mizoramite had a problem with the word 'Mizoramite' didn't exist - like Mizoramites know anything) ingesting dogs as a delicacy. Well, dogs are still a delicacy in Mizoram, and Mizoramites don't know what's good for them, have serious issues with their sexuality, are really bad at grammar, and are whiny little cowardly pussies for commenting anonymously.
(Example comment: "'Mizoramites' means ???????, never heard of such word, guess I’ll have to search in Google ....have no idea. Besides, you can keep your stray dogs, no one eat stray dogs" )
Harry Potter fans are also whiny little cowardly pussies for bitching where they had to comment. Apparently, according to these sex starved fans, Harry Potter sex stories are completely normal. Harry Potter fans, too, seem to have a problem with their sexualities... they are probably imitating their perverted unfortunate green eyed scarfaced pansy little dysfunctional hero with absolutely no sex life - not an official one to boast of anyway. The fans are depressed about this, so they invented a pretty colorful sex life for Harry Potter as well as all the other one dimensional fictitious characters in the Harry Potter series. The result is a Hagrid and His beasts fuckfest, (Fluffy would go down well in Mizoram) which, these fans seem to think is a perfectly normal and sane thing to do, nothing I should have any issues with, and therefore, according to the dissing comments, nothing I should blog about.
My blog is my fucking space, like Harry Potter is Rowling's fucking space - just because she sees it fit to copy a fragment of the Lord of the Rings and make it into a story with one dimensional characters with no (official) sex life, and fans find it fit to fill in the gaps with a Buckbeak-Sirius stopry (Sirius transforms midway) it does not mean that I can fucking not bitch about it on my blog.
All I am saying is fuck around with real animals if you want, don't read stories where you fantasize about fictitious creatures that don't even fucking exist - and then fucking expect me to think it is normal.
Harry Potter is like an abridged version of LOTR for retards. Not that LOTR is something great either - all these escapist fantasy books have no real use in the real life. So what if a great saga (with pages dedicated to the description of stones and leaves, btw) with a rich language and texture is created - like it really amounts to anything more than fans coming together and saying "Legolas is soooooooo hot!!! OMG!"
Legolas can shove the Lothlorien arrows or whatever up his ass for what I care...
Almost everything I do seems to piss someone off, and since the world is made up of impressionable and immature entities which stylize themselves as homo sapiens - the thinking men - hardly ever think for themselves, and require others to do this for them, will have problems with this post because of the LOTR bashing, the HP bashing, and if not either then probably because they are from Mizoram - where they don't read books, they keep them around for show.
so the point being, you are more likely than not to be in a bash-the-guy-who-wrote-this mood. If you are not angry because of all of the above, at least you must be frustrated with the fact that all the pain that you took to read this lead upto nothing. Hate your filthy little self for being so stupid.

Since you hate this blog so much, you can make God do his thing to this blog, pelt the blog with meteors, flood it, Assault it with the foce of the seventies, Nuke it, Get the Martians to attack, , get it grafittied, Gun it down, Gun it down Mafia style, Throw paintballs at it, Attack it with a chainsaw, Suck the text, Infest it with Dinosaurs, Wasps, Flies, Snails, worms and Mould Or attack it with A scribbling baby, fried eggs, coffee, fire, tomatoes and cream pie, Cow Dung or Dog Poop. Alternatively, you might want to pee, Acid Pee or Vomit on the blog.

Now that revenge is taken, go back to your pussy little fantasizing about Mosag or eating a dog or running a hundred and eleven leagues in three days. Bloody fuckers.


Jerusha said...

I pity your moronic brain!
Don't you have anything better to do than crib about people you deem so inferior to yourself on your precious 'fucking space'?
And oh btw, I really admire the way you stand up and take responsibility for such obscene stupidity, like claiming the word 'Mizoramite' is valid and legit! Next time you get bored and are badly in need of inspiration or some creativity, feel free to attempt to sound like you have something important to say by being racial and picking on minority groups. We'll take it all in quietly. Anything to make you fool yourself into thinking you're not dumb and that you've actually got a thinking, working brain..not to mention a heart. Do you know what a human heart is?? Yes? Oh? A bionic one?? Ah! That explains it!
And excuse my grammar, Shakespeare! The syntax is all off I know but I don't think you'd mind so much since yours isn't any better anyway :-)
Will be watching out for your next dollop of moronic verses!

Almostunreal said...

One simple advice -

Next time you are to blog about a certain place (however romote that place might be to you), please, please, please make sure that you at least know what the people living there are know, whatever your knowledge may be..this makes you sound dumb

And a simple reminder - be aware that we are living in a cyber world