Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dream diary evicting squatters edition

Had this strange dream... it's kind of recurring. I keep spending time in the Bangalore House. In one of the previous dreams, the backyard was a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a metro carshed and a lot of junk growing through the grass. 

This time around, I was sleeping and watching a movie. I was taking bits and pieces of old crafted things, sticking them together and making new crafted things. Some other people from my WWO clan and my dad were watching a surreal 60s movie on the old telly. I also go and lie down and watch the movie. It's fun.

I then go out for a smoke. There are people walking through the property to a house at the back. IRL the property was split, a house made at the back, but it has its own access. I leave a door in the side open, though there isn't one IRL. A bunch of tourists show up and start photographing the house, and even enter it. I do not bother them then. Another group of religious looking south Indian people also enter the house. Which is when I discard my cigarette, go inside and drive the tourists away. The family is sitting around in the living room and stubbornly refusing to move. I start calling them names like "sand", start beating them, and finally they start running away, with the women giving me bad expressions. There is one old man in a langot who comes from somewhere inside, and looks like he has stolen something, but I don't care and just want him to leave. I wake up while thrashing one big person with surma and a tikka who is refusing to leave. 

I had to once evict a woman who was squatting there, taking advantage of my grand aunt's kindness. She had yelled at me, but I just listened to it, being happy that she was going away. A number of people have stolen stuff from the house, leaving it a bare shell by the time we inherited it. My mom is renovating it right now. 

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