Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Photoshop CS2

Headed over to VT again today, and walked down those sunglasses-mobile covers-cheap jewellery filled lanes in search of CDs that were conspiciously absent. Turns out there was another raid, but usually these guys hang out at their empty display boxes... even that was absent today.

The main dhandha of these guys includes not only porn, but associated products like vibrators and viagra. They also make the odd buck selling pirated movies, software and games. They do not, as a rule, sell music. After a few years, you learn to recognize each other, and the exchange of a hundred bucks and a photoshop CS CD was succesfuly managed.

The weird thing about new Adobe products is the authorization code which makes cracking close to impossible, atleast beyond my capability. But now I have photoshop, something which my comp lacked for over a month and I celebrated with an ad against piercing, which I was asked to do for an ad club thingy and a little art.

1 comment:

Mihir said...

the first ad is amazing...