Saturday, February 26, 2022

My blog through the ages

I'm working on a wellness app, and one of the most powerful techniques is journaling. I cannot believe that I've been doing that for so many years. Here is a look at my blog over the years. 

2005 - The original look. The Greek text reads "all of this must be Greek to you". HAHA very funny. Didn't laugh. Also I was obsessed with aliens and anagrams. I do not know what inspired the name, but it was probably an anagram for "cryptic nonsense". Again, HAHA. 

2011. 104E. That was the model of my monitor. I really do not remember where the image is from. Anyway, this was the state of my site when it was hijacked by Russians. Notice that the header still had the "Next Blog" link. 

2013. I was quick to see that the future of the web was mobile, and thus the title image was a mobile screenshot. Was very influenced by Pixlr and Adobe Kuler back then, which is now Adobe Color and still a tool that I continue to use on a regular basis. 

2014. The banner image was a panorama made from multiple screenshots taken on the Moon Base Alpha game by NASA. It is a really cool game. Also notice the vastly expanded tag list.
2018. Modern theme. My sensibilities shifted after I got back to work, after attempting to and failing to find love in 6 years of college. The effort was basically to stay in college to party and have fun. The mission was partially accomplished. The formatting of the older content got fucked. I still love Moby Dick, the Whiteness of the Whale being my favorite chapter, and Ishmael thinking that the landlord of the Sprouty Inn or whatever its name was, was full of "farrago" when he says that Queequeg has gone to sell his heads is probably where Shashi Tharoor had to look it up in the dictionary. I'm guessing, don't quote me on this. Haven't finished all the quests in Warframe. The birthday gift was the proto-excalibur noggle statue from i666. Omg I've forgotten the guy and the gift. Guess was really happy back then. Good times. 
2019. I was really into GoT, but who wasn't back then. But then, I was really into GoT, and have it on the authority of the PR for the JioPhone, who walked into office to hand me the device for "first impressions", because we could not, in all fairness do a review as Reliance owned Network18 and Firstpost. My ringtone was GoT, my t-shirt was GoT. I knew all the fan theories, had read the books, participated in a number of forums, and had it all in my head. Now it has all vapourised, just like the fandom for the series. And honestly, the fake leakers, the AI guesses and the theories were all better than what it turned out to be. What a colossal disappointment. What happened to blackstar? What happened to Meera Reed? What is in the crypts of Winterfell? What is with the weirwood network? What happens to all of Robert's bastards? What is the White Tower up to? What does Manderly end up doing? Why do we not get to see Nymeria? What were Varys and Illyrio Mopatis up to? So many questions that will never be answered. Sigh. TBH, I blame the TV series only, I can live with GRRM never finishing the books, it is kind of fun to live in a perpetual zone of theorycrafting and metadiscussions, but cannot forgive the TV series not wrapping up the loose ends that they themselves brought up. That's just bad, Dumb and Dumber.
2019-2. Considering the top posts on the archived pages, I guess there are some anonymous peeps out there who see the value in random blogs and are acutely aware that blogs tend to disappear, like most of the local blogosphere links to the right, as well as the blogs of my classmates from college. Either they have been deleted, or hijacked by Russians, or made private. It's a mercy that a few are merely abandoned. None of them are active the last time I checked. Anyway, for the Spotify tools, most of them no longer worked as Spotify made changes to its API, integrating most of the good third party tools as part of its own service, and telling the other developers who spent time on developing third party tools to fuck off. Majorly. Spotify, like Swiggy is one of those services that I hate, but am compelled to use because of lack of better alternatives. 
2022 - today. Im struggling to set a good profile picture. Not sure if I want something scientific, or something techy. There was a time when I had set up an elaborate script, where every time you refresh the page, a new cover image loads. Aint got time for that shit any more. I doubt if it would work with the new blogger too. Will probably find something, but I kept house and cleared up some messy things. I added the sections in the sidebar for my social links and the news sites I work for and worked for. I brought back the blogs of clasmates, "world famous blogs", and the local blogosphere for... nostalgia value and historical accuracy. I set the archival period from daily to monthly, so the hierarchy tree does not go bonkers. Changed the name from AMJ's blog to Aditya Madanapalle's blog. It may be narcissistic, but I no longer have any hesitation in praising myself, taking my own name, or talking about personal things publicly. In fact, it is high time you started doing this, Aditya. What's more, I backed up the site on This stuff is important to the human race. And future technoarchaeologists.

Okay bye :) hope you had fun.

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