Thursday, February 24, 2022


Just a random fact, at one time, both non vegetarian and vegetarian food was referred to as meat. Anything with sugar in it was sweetmeat. 

I was just looking through some of my old posts, and realised for how long this blog has been running. I added a disclaimer for the older stuff, because well, I posted mature content when I was immature. There is also some nasty "humour" in there, that would be considered toxic today. Still, as far as food for thought goes, my previous posts turned out to be something of a sweetmeat for me.

I used to vlog on before youtube was a thing. Do not remember the content of these posts, and have lost them too, though seems to have backed them up, but retrieving them seems to be difficult. A lot of links to geocities and even imgur have disappeared, but at least the blogger images have stayed up. I feel the web mirrors the universe, ever expanding and old things at a distance getting permanently lost, never to be seen again.   

Anyway, it was a window into my thoughts and feelings, maybe of a different person, definitely one that has changed a lot. Reading through the blog made me like myself a bit more, and at the same time, miss myself a bit more too... because all the days I did not take the time to write down something are now lost forever. 

So, although it is going to be a bit late for new year resolutions, this is going to be one of those years, where I am going to be blogging frequently, maybe even multiple times in a day, whenever I feel like it, and whatever I feel like. Have realised that in the rush of doing things, there is very little time for feeling. 

We live in a very different world now, where self care is embraced and mental wellness is spoken about openly. There are few silver linings to the pandemic, but one of them is the increased discussion around mental health. 

Was I feeling something? Yeah, there is a wedding happening to the left at the hall next to ISKON temple, like everyday, but they are playing traditional music today not Punjabi club tracks, and still dancing the hell out, which is a refreshing change. New neighbours have moved into the first floor, they have nice furniture and wallpapers. The building on the right is being reconstructed, and the workers come up from a nice hole in the roof. South Delhi only allows ground + 3 floors, but some people construct a illegal fifth floor on top, known as the Barsati, which means that it is gonna get rekt during the monsoons. My flat is legal and not a Barsati. The building opposite is lit up with celebratory lights. In the middle of all this, I went out to my small balcony and had a smoke. For the first time in a long time, I felt some amount of peace. 

Aditya Madanapalle will be back. 

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