Wednesday, July 13, 2022

LOTR again

Anyway, also watched the whole Lord of the Rings again. Peter Jackson's kids show up in the public in both Edoras and Minas Tirith lol. It's a pity that the extended editions are not available on streaming platforms. Was questioning some things about the trilogy too, like maybe I liked it too much so far. There is another post about the fidelity argument that I have to do later... after thinking it through. This time around, I clocked a few things though. 

They skipped out Ghan Bhuri Ghan entirely. There is one scene about the romance between Faramir and Eowyn. Sharky and the burning shire are also skipped entirely, would be so awesome to see Lobelia and Frodo coming home to all his possessions being auctioned. I am not sure if Cirdan the Shipwright was standing in the background in the last scene, but I think it was him. 

So far, have liked LOTR because of the approach of reconstruction by Tolkien, of crafting a lost mythology for Britain, building a world around the evolution of fictional languages, then writing stories within that setting. Seems like a lot of work that no one else has done, or actually can do unless they are a professor of linguistics. 

Then again, it might just be the interpretation by Peter Jackson. Would love to see an art film approach to LOTR, which is true to the books, and does not have any cinematic trappings such as comic relief or efforts to build tension for the audience. Would also like a very artistic cinematic rendering of The Silmarillion, that does not go much into exposition, and just shows the visuals of what is happening, without too much dialogues. 

The po-ta-toes scene really comes out of nowhere, in the middle of this really tense sequence where things do not look too good for the inhabitants of middle Earth. Boromir's scenes, including "One does not simply walk into Mordor" and "It is a gift" are such common memes, that they break the fourth wall during a watch, ruining the immersion. 

Think this is the last time, at least for a while. Time to go watch some new things. In the mood for some dark and gritty true crime. 

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