Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Dream Diary possessed edition

I was in my old house in Bangalore. Sleeping on the floor. I can hear three sets of voices. One set is the neighbours discussing with their daughter how much she can expect to earn if she goes for various graduation courses in a college. 

Parallelly, there is the spectral voice of a woman. There are a bunch of ghosts staring in through my window, through the trees between my house and my neighbour's. They are talking of some old atrocities that my Grand aunt committed against them, by being verbally abusive, scolding too much, and just generally mean. 

While they are talking, I start turning around and moving around the floor, sort of like Saruman attacking Gandalf, and the Nazgals attacking The Stranger in Rings of Power. While turning, my bloodied foot passes through the foot of a stool, and I realise that I am a spectral presence in the dream too. I try to snap out of the spectral voices thingy, when I start hearing another voice. 

It is a servant complaining about how she is homeless, and has no money, and needs more money to survive. 

IRL, my internet connection guy came and asked me for six months advance, then came again and asked me for a loan. Then my landlord also asked for an advance because of the renovation work that he is doing. 

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