Tuesday, December 13, 2005

One heck of a day

To summarise, college (lecs) - visions (prom nite passes) - mother's office (money) - visions (purchasing passes) - mother's office (mother) - thane (mobile) - SIES ('work")

Got a new phone though - same model. Blog later. Wrote poem too. Blog later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my day was better
COLLEGE(lecs)- SIES(girls fyjc)-SIES(girls syjc)- SIES( girls fyba/bcom/bmm/bms/bsc)-SIES(girls syba/bcom/bmm/bms/bsc)-SIES(girls tyba/bcom/bmm/bms/bsc)-loo(shaggin by thinkin of girls)-bed(dreamin of girls)