Monday, April 25, 2022

Retail therapy

Was feeling down, so got a bunch of things from Amazon and the local shops... all of them got delivered today... so here they are! 

This 'chandelier'

This Ajanta clock. I asked for something simple looking at the gaudy stuff on display. He gave me something 'sober'.

This jute rug. Its like 180 cm or something. I thought they were talking about diameter, it was radius. 

The two on either side are nubs, the tiger cactus in the middle I had for a while. The whole hanging shelf thing is new. 

This 'display stand'. Again, the plants on either sides are new. I pulled out one of my existing money plants and put it in a bottle of Japanese Roku gin.

This psychedelic sun and moon bedsheet. It is on top of two rajais and a double thickness mattress, so this is actually one of the most comfortable beds I have slept in. 

This Philips radio. If only it scrobbled. 

This fan. In the heat, it can blow only hot air, poor thing. Also, it is loud AF. But, it always tries its bestest, and that is the important thing.

This periscope. It's shorter than I imagined it would be. 

This watering can. It can water. 

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