Sunday, May 29, 2022

Call of the Netherdeep session 6

Rangu, Woolf and Jazco head out to check on Ayo. They head towards the infirmary and come across the sacrifice engine. It's a pit with lines of silver blades. The doors of the infirmary have signs of a hand, that glows slightly with magic. Inside, the place is packed with beds, with injured soldiers resting and sleeping. It stinks. We notice a female drow priest chatting with another female drow. The priest, Bautha Dyrr heals up me and rara, 13 points for me and 11 points for Rara. I return almost to full health. She looks at Rara and asks what happened to her. Rara says she was eaten by a Gloomstalker, and asks if she can be returned to her original appearance. 

Dyrr says that healing that kind of injury takes a long time, and requires really powerful magic. Dyrr is dressed in very simple dark grey clothes. On her lapel, there is a pin in the shape of a black wing. It is the holy symbol of Xalicas, a legendary solar who served as the right hand of Corellon The Arch Heart before falling in the Calamity. He did not die, but even the gods could not heal him up. During the calamity, the Gods put up a gate to keep out demons. Xalicas was unable to fly or see. She still walks around with blindfolds over his eyes, gathering followers in Wildemounts, attempting to heal the war scarred lands and healing. She lends her powers to creatures she feels are worthy. She cannot escape Exandria. 

We ask her about Ayp. Dyrr says that the party came to help them, and points towards a door and says, "They are in the other hall. Just go through there and you will be able to find them." 

Woolf does a vibe check and senses some amount of sadness and disdain in her voice when she mentions the dead and wounded, almost as if her heart isn't in what she is doing. Woolf senses some conflict, but does not understand why there is some conflict. Dyrr says, "If you need any healing, you can always come back here, and I will help all I can. Be careful and try not to make too much noise."

We make our way towards Ayo, and the person that we see her talking to, calls out to us. "Hey! Hi! You there! Could you help me out a bit please" The female drow guard. Naevyn puts her hand in her mattress and takes out a small carving of a rabbit. It is made out of bone of some sort. "I was planning on visiting the wall of the forgotten... before the mouthers attacks..." Woolf asks "are you dying?" Naevyn says "all of us are this place. If you don't mind, I'm going to rest now." She then passes out. 

We make our way to Ayo's gang, who seem pretty okay even though they took some scraps. "You guys here, that means you guys took care of the creatures." There is a massive hole in the wall, that is splattered with black ichor. The hole is also why Maggie is in the room. "Yeah we had a fight. We killed a bunch of them, and the guards herded the remaining mouthers into the pits, and someone turned on the lever, and it was...." "Glorious" Galsariad finishes. 'Remember the thing that attacked us outside with the guards? We had one of those here as well. It got cordoned off into that spinny thingy of death. Also, amazing news, we have a sponsor for a mission. We were fighting, and Maggie came crashing through after she tackled one of these creatures. Inside was this lady lying down on one of the beds. After everything got over, she hired us to take her in. We are headed on a mission to the Betrayer's Rise. We are going on our own adventure now." Galsariad looks happy, while the others look grim. Ayo says. "This is where we part ways then. We are in Baxxozan for a bit. Best of luck to you guys/"

Rangu goes hugs Maggie goodbye. It is very weird, she is on her knees and pats Rangu on the head. Galsariad and Yazhi exchange looks, and Woolf does another vibe (insight) check. Dermot comes up to us and says, "We are staying at the Ready Room. Maybe you will see us there sometime. It is right next door. Farewell then, best of luck to you all." Then scurries back. Ayo and her group have taken their leave, looking for adventures of their own. 

Woolf asks where the wall of the unforgotten is to an injured man, who says it is behind the Ready Room. We see a massive double door, on which hangs a sign that says "The Ready Room" in undercommon, orc, goblin and common. We continue walking past that, and just behind the Ready Room, where the inn ends, we see a stretch of a stone wall carved with name, reeking of dried flowers.  There are necklaces and charms that are hanging or in front of the wall. The ground is strewn with trinkets.

There is a man in a grey robe preying in front of the wall, with a chitinous armour. The drow who was praying says "Be respectful, they have earned their rest." I tell him a soldier gave this to me to place at the wall. "He takes the trinket, looks at it, and says, "This is a practice taken up by the younger soldiers, if they cannot make it" He places the the figuring near the others, then continues praying. After he is done, he gives Woolf, Rara and Me a Mote of Possibility by blessing us. We can get an advantage roll any time. He utters the words, "Blessings of the Luxom be upon you." 

The priest has a heavily scarred face. He then gets back to his prayers. We then head to the Ready Room. It's the afternoon and there aren't many people. The place seems like a typical in. There are tables, chairs. There is one old orc drinking by himself in the corner, eyeing us as we enter. In the far end there is a bar, with a woman cleaning. Far away, there is a drow in normal clothes, taking care of the bar and not noticing us approach, On the side of the bar, there are also tools, and weapons and supplies. There is food and rations hanging from the bar. The bartender is not paying us any attention at this point. The bartender is named Prima. "We don't have much of a selection. The beer is decent, the whiskey is shitty. We have food and rooms as well. 

Woolf, me and Rara meet the others in the Ready Room. Yazhi guesses that the priest gave us a blessing. Woolf says "We got touched by a priest." Both me and Yazhi go "Ooookay". The bar is also a general store and has a bunch of supplies. Rara is interested in the weapons. We buy a longbow and a thief's kit by paying almost double for it. We also get two rooms. 

A woman in blue robes walks down and passes us, without giving us a second look. She seems to be carrying a sketchbook though. She has monastic robes. They are very simple rooms. There are just mattresses, and a stool, no cupboards. Both the rooms are the same size, but have different layouts. There are two corridors in the inn. A section of rooms, corridor, another section of rooms, and a corridor, and another corridor that connects the two corridors. 

We gather in room 7. Rara is caressing her new longbow. The others talk and make plans while I fall asleep. 

The others meet a blogger called Question. 

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