Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Feel 10 years younger

I just did something pretty crazy. Met this guy on a clubhouse room, we traded numbers, he came and picked me up, we headed to this shady place open late in the night and played a few frames of snooker! I wasn't great at it, but got a sweet J there that I really miss, and then played a few frames of 8 ball pool. Got a bit better by morning, then we went and had tea on his scooter, then went and sat in the park next to his old doggo's grave, came home, split a pint of Bro Code spirited wine, and then I crashed. We talked about rap, psytrance, played a few games of of 5 Alive, which was not that much fun. Awesome Saturday evening lol. 

Guy wanted to continue partying from Sunday afternoon lol, but I was too tired and had to prep for the next day. Anyhoo, have a brand new friend. 

Then a cab came and picked me up on Monday for an Intel event. Met some old colleagues from Digit and FP there. One of them had jumped into Intel. That was fun too. 

In other news, the Defenders and associated series, including Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Daredevil and Jessica Jones are now all on Hotstar! I can continue watching where I left off, which is great as I had stopped after exactly one season of Iron Fist and Luke Cage (finished watching the rest) anticipating this change. 

Just read this opinion piece earlier. There is a point in that you are not likely to know who Buff Cap Am or Black Bolt are without watching fairly obscure Marvel series, but that's okay I feel, another way for people to head to explore the shady corners of MCU. As someone who prides themselves in staying up to date, I really do not remember it all, I still just enjoy it... and it's not for the spectacle, it's really for the outrageous stories. Look, it's better time spent than GoT at least, or Supercops vs Supervillains: Shapath. IDK, do not agree, least of all having cheese and caramel popcorn. Come on, your fingers are going to be sticky and cheesy! 

Just putting it out there, I absolutely hate the popcorn "flavours" that involve adding powders to the popped corn. 

Also, two days of good meals from Carnatic Cafe. They keep having a different 'Rice of the Day' in rotation, but usually whenever I check it is something obnoxious like mensu anna (capsicum rice), but last two days it was chitranna and puliyogare. Such a pity they do not parcel in their thaalis or the kosambri. I have tried Naivedyam and Chidambaram, and the Karnataka Bhavan food (which is a hack, they serve poppadam instead of sandige, too downstream kaveri for my tastes), but only Juggernaut has good South Indian food if you can get a table, but they do not deliver. So Carnatic Cafe is my go to place, apart from Mayura Restaurant.    

There was a weird dream I had about the park though, one in which I was attacked by crocodiles for some reason. Donno what that was about. I tried to use craiyon to paint a picture, but no amount of prompt engineering can get dalle to draw a crocodile, so all you get is this majestic abomination:

1 comment:

Aalap said...

downstream cauvery 🤣😂