Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A hate Pakistan mood

This may seem a little harsh, but sitting in your college through the day and having nothing better to do than pretend to listen to the lecture while you long to be out there facing the world (preferably with a REALLY fast vehicle and adequate ammunition), you cannot help feeling nothing but intense hate for Pakistan.
Erm... for a pathetic explanation, how about: true friends protect the fundamental right of sanity of future citizens of countries you have "diplomatic relationships" with by bombing up institutions intending to invent newfound ways to torture students under the guise of "education."

Some guy walked in, talked about a seminar which I may/not attend, and all I picked up from the mish-mash was
1) A soap opera is so named because when serials first came out on TV, only a soap company would sponser them
2) A movie is made of by frames in exactly the same way as a society is made of by people.

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