Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Strange Dream

I don't exactly know why I am blogging this... but I had a strange dream today that I remember in great detail. Explanations and roots, where possible in brackets.
The guy repairing my mobile phone right now took too long that I missed my train to Mumbai. (There is a possibility that this might happen in the real world. Guy has my mobile for five days or so now). My father had to steal an orange Volvo to get me back to Mumbai. (I came to Bangalore in an Orange Vovlo, or to be more precise, a Volvo that tried to be orange, but failed somewhat miserably. He recommended that I take the vehicle for lack of any other transport). But on returning the Volvo, a Muslim guy stole it into a Muslim dominated area, and I followed running behind the Volvo. Then I bashed up the Muslim guy for stealing the Volvo, and other Muslims in the area thinking that I was beating him because he was a Muslim and not because he was a thief, began to bash me up. Hindus thought that the Muslims were bashing me up because I was a Hindu, and not because of anything else, and they began to fight with the Muslims.
Large scale communal riots broke loose, and I got up.

Read that.

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