Friday, March 04, 2022

Dream Diary Delhi nightmares edition

So ever since I've been living in Delhi, been having strange nightmares. Back in Digit, I used to experience episodes of sleep paralysis when I slept in the office, but this was only 2-3 days in a month, and I used to even look forward to and enjoy them. They were typically accompanied with cramps, which IDK why I enjoyed the experience of, at times even trying to trigger them. 

The spectral beings were mostly rats. 

In Delhi, have seen a whole range of them. There was a man with a wide smile and a gnomish face. Small delicate white spiders that shot poison at me. Then there were instances where it was not a figure at all, but objects. My own blanket raising and falling repeatedly, or the door opening and closing repeatedly, keeping me frozen in place out of terror. 

Think there are a few factors contributing to this apart from living in a new place and sleeping in an unfamiliar bed everyday. The main door has a strong lock from the outside, but a weak bolt from the inside, so while I am in the house, people can just pop the door open easily. This one time I was sleeping, and the landlord came in without my permission for some repairs. I was alarmed when I woke up, despite closing the inner door to my room, but did not tell him anything, because I really wasn't angry at him, but I was myself disturbed. 

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