Sunday, July 03, 2005

seven bloody fucking fifteen

Absolutely atrocious timings. My first day of college - and I will have to go looking all sleepy. SIES screws me again - seven fifteen. That means I will have to leave my house at five thirty to make it comfortably. I will have to wake up fivish, and take an early rain. Which means, although there will not be much of a crowd, I will have to bear the sight of mumbai slumdwellers indulging in their early morning shit - shave - and bath close to the railway lines. And unlike Japan, the windows of the train does not automatically blacken while going through a residential area. All pretence of privacy are abandoned, for little children to hide their confusion while giggling.
wierdest timetable ever, if you ask me. We have a lecture from eight thirty to eight fifty one. Not to be confused with eight fifty, but eight fifty one, for some reason. Also, there is a lec from nine fifty four to ten forty two. Damn. There are two mega computer sciences lecs from seven fifteen to ten forty two.

On the upside, I will be free by eleven thirty, which is around the time I wake up in my vacations. This also means that, my college will be one long vacation. the prospects are really bright.

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