Saturday, April 30, 2005

bad reception

talking to my friend on the mobile from a dinghy cyvbercafe again. Have just downloaded the matrix spoof from my gmail account and am going to burn it here and then going to marine drive and submitting it. This is a really cool keyboard and everything is comfortable, but the comp is open, and the cpu is naked in front of me. the a and s keys are worn out, but the e key is not. I think these two letters are in the password. The guy here just asked me if I have gone to some typing classes, and I think he is reading this right now. Anyway, I have downloaded the spoof and am going to send it. He is concious fo the fact that I just blogged it, he thinks I am sending a friend an email and he is no longer reading it. Ah well... Later. Heading over to marine drive now.

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