Sunday, April 03, 2005

lager and beer

Dumb sify. Am text blogging again. The time is 11:05 pm. Yesterday. If I am able to blog this today that is. Ah well. One good thing about writing the whole thing in word first is the instant spell checker. That’s good. Didn’t go to classes today. Rest of my friends met up, and only I was dumb enough not to go. I was just too lazy. Slept till about one o clock, after using the net in the morning. After that, I worked on the geodisian hemisphere, and completed it. That’s a separate blog now. Was watching friends, they show five episodes back to back on Zee English. Oh sorry, now its Zee CafĂ©. Ah well… Saw the episode where Raechel raps to Emma “I like big butts and I cannot lie…” Might want to download that song. Have to remember that though. Then Saw the episode with Raechel’s sister who keeps insulting everyone. All weird celebs are her weird sisters. That’s the episode where Joey always lies about the raccoon. Then was seeing the episode where Anniston shows a lot, and Raechel and Phoebe have a girl’s night out, and Ross and Mike have this really boring time together. For the heck of it, this is the difference between beer and lager:

The word "lager" is derived from the German verb "lagern" and means "to store." Lager Beer is distinguished by the fact that the wort (the resulting brew of malt, prepared cereals like corn or rice, hops and water) is fermented by yeast of the bottom fermentation type (i.e. yeast which settles to the bottom of the fermenting tanks), and then is stored in refrigerated cellars for maturing and clarification.

Normal beer like ale is fermented by yeast of the top-fermenting type.

got that from here

Built the geodisian dome then the impotent bastard came over. Still not started that blog with him, as both unblog and blog off! Are taken. Damn. Suddenly, I am not making spelling mistakes. Guess We become extra careful if we try to avoid seeing the red lines. That’s good. So he came over, somewhat admired the dome, and we went to the shopping center, with the idea of pooling money for purchasing CDs. Went to that small bookshop again, there were no occult books. Though there was Michel Gorbochov’s autobiography, and weird books like where buffalos roam, the motherless daughters and the castrated woman. When asked who were motherless daughters, the impotent bastard replied that they were the castrated women. Hehe.
After that came home, sat on the net, chatted a while, then the power fluctuated and now I am disconnected. Damn Sify has still not started. It’s 11:16 now. Ah well….

Its 11:43 now. Already blogged about the family. Sify is back online. I think it was some power problem. the electricity at the cable guy's place must have gone in tandem with the supply here...

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